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Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Wormbo $Id$

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- WormbotReporter.WIR_ModHandler
         +-- WormbotReporter.WIR_GameHandler
            +-- WormbotReporter.WIR_GameHandler_DM
               +-- WormbotHandlerInvasion.WIR_GameHandler_Invasion

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from WormbotReporter.WIR_GameHandler
bAnnounceOutOfLives, bReportKillingSprees, bReportLocations, bReportMultiKills, bReportSpecial, bReportWeapons, bScoreEndsRound, ColumnAlign, dataReportKills, dataReportPickups, descGameHandler, descReportKillingSprees, descReportKills, descReportLocations, descReportMultiKills, descReportPickups, descReportSpecial, descReportWeapons, descScoreReportDelay, GameHandler, lblGameHandler, lblReportKillingSprees, lblReportKills, lblReportLocations, lblReportMultiKills, lblReportPickups, lblReportSpecial, lblReportWeapons, lblScoreReportDelay, MsgClientMessage, MsgCurrentTeamScores, MsgGameEndFragLimit, MsgGameEndLastMan, MsgGameEndRoundLimit, MsgGameEndTeamScoreLimit, MsgGameEndTimeLimit, MsgGameFirstBlood, MsgGameInfo, MsgGameInProgress, MsgGameMaxLives, MsgGameOvertime, MsgGameScoreLimit, MsgGameStarted, MsgGameTimeLimit, MsgLastSecondSave, MsgPlayerScoredMultiKill, MsgScoreboard, MsgSpreeEndKill, MsgSpreeEndSuicideFemale, MsgSpreeEndSuicideMale, MsgSpreeEndTeamKill, MsgSpreeStart[6], ReportKills, ReportPickups, ScoreReportDelay, StringNameBomb, StringNameCore, StringNameFlag, StringNameFlags, StringPrefixOvertime, StringScoreTemplate, StringSuffixOvertime, StringSuffixWinnerPlayer, StringSuffixWinnerTeam, StringSuffixWinnerTeams, StringTableHeader, StringTableSeparator, StringTeamScore, StringTimeNotPlaying

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from WormbotReporter.WIR_GameHandler

Functions Summary
functionstring GetGameInfoString ()))
functionbool HandleEndRound (out string Reason))
functionbool HandleKill (out Controller Killer, out Controller Killed, out class<DamageType> DamageType, out string MsgSuffix))
functionbool HandleLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> Message, int Switch, PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, Object OptionalObject))
functionbool HandleNewRound ()))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
Inherited Functions from WormbotReporter.WIR_GameHandler
AddRow, CriticalPlayer, FillPlayInfo, FormatPlayerName, GetClosestGameObjective, GetDescriptionText, GetGameInfoString, GetObjectiveName, GetObjectName, GetRemainingTime, HandleEndGame, HandleKill, HandleLocalizedMessage, HandleStringMessage, InOrder, MatchStarting, ReportScores

Variables Detail

bLastInWave Source code

var bool bLastInWave;

MsgGameWaveCurrent Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveCurrent;

MsgGameWaveFirst Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveFirst;

MsgGameWaveNext Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveNext;

MsgGameWaveOver Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveOver;

MsgGameWaveOverTimeLimit Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveOverTimeLimit;

MsgGameWaveStart Source code

var localized string MsgGameWaveStart;

MsgWaveProgressNotSpawning Source code

var localized string MsgWaveProgressNotSpawning;

MsgWaveProgressSpawning Source code

var localized string MsgWaveProgressSpawning;

Functions Detail

GetGameInfoString Source code

function string GetGameInfoString ( ) )
Returns a string describing the game type and map.

HandleEndRound Source code

function bool HandleEndRound ( out string Reason) )
Return True if the handler wants to override the mutator's default behavior.

HandleKill Source code

function bool HandleKill ( out Controller Killer, out Controller Killed, out class<DamageType> DamageType, out string MsgSuffix) )
Return True if the handler wants to override the mutator's default behavior.

HandleLocalizedMessage Source code

function bool HandleLocalizedMessage ( class<LocalMessage> Message, int Switch, PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, Object OptionalObject) )
Skip the pointless "player is OUT" messages.

HandleNewRound Source code

function bool HandleNewRound ( ) )
Return True if the handler wants to override the mutator's default behavior.

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
Initialize the handler.

Tick Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )
Checks for start and end of waves.

Timer Source code

function Timer ( ) )
Reports number of monsters left during waves.


  MsgGameWaveFirst    = " First wave: [^B]%n[^B]"
  MsgGameWaveNext     = " Next wave: [^B]%n[^B]"
  MsgGameWaveCurrent  = " Current wave: [^B]%n[^B]"
  MsgGameWaveOver           = "[^B][%r] Wave %n completed, all monsters killed.[^B]"
  MsgGameWaveOverTimeLimit  = "[^B][%r] Wave %n completed, wave time over.[^B]"
  MsgGameWaveStart          = "[^B][%r] Wave %n has started.[^B]"
  MsgWaveProgressSpawning     = "[%r] [^B]%m[^B] monsters and still spawning for [^B]%t[^B] seconds, [^B]%p[^B] players alive"
  MsgWaveProgressNotspawning  = "[%r] [^B]%m[^B] monsters left and [^B]%p[^B] players alive, time to survive: [^B]%t[^B]"
  HandlerGroup = "Wormbot (Invasion)"
  ScoreReportDelay = 90

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