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Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Wormbo $Id$

+-- WormbotReporter.WIR_Util

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
MaxInt, Pi, RF_NotForClient, RF_NotForEdit, RF_NotForServer, RF_Public, RF_Standalone, RF_Transactional, RF_Transient

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, Name, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternal[7], Outer

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, ECamOrientation, EDetailMode, EDrawPivot, ESheerAxis

Structures Summary
Rows, Align, Width
Content, StrippedContent
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
BoundingVolume, Box, Color, CompressedPosition, Coords, FloatBox, Guid, IntBox, InterpCurve, InterpCurvePoint, Matrix, Plane, Quat, Range, RangeVector, Rotator, Scale, TMultiMap, Vector

Functions Summary
functionstring ColorCode (color Color))
functionstring ConcatWithSeparator (array<string> Strings))
functionstring EscapeIRCCodes (string In))
functionstring FormatPlayerName (Actor Player, bool bOnlyName, optional string StringScoreTemplate, optional string CustomPrefix))
functionstring FormatTeamName (TeamInfo Team, bool bOnlyColorAndName))
functionstring FormatTime (int Seconds, optional bool bLeadingZero, optional bool bHours))
function GetPlayerActors (Actor Player, out Controller C, out Pawn P, out PlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
functionstring GetTemplateProperties (Object O, string Template))
functionstring HMACMD5String (string In, string Key))
functionbool IsPlayer (Actor Other))
functionstring LittleEndianToHex (int i))
functionstring MD5String (string In))
functionint Now (LevelInfo Level))
functionbool ParseIRCUserAddress (string Address, optional out string Nick, optional out string Ident, optional out string Host))
function PrepareTable (out array<TAlignedTable> Table))
functionstring ReplOnce (coerce string Src, coerce string Match, coerce string With, optional bool bCaseSensitive))
functionstring Spc (int i))
functionstring StripColorCodes (string Input))
functionstring StripIRCCodes (string In, optional bool bOnlyColors))
functionstring ToIRCLower (string s))
functionstring ToIRCUpper (string s))
functionstring Trim (string S))
functionstring UnescapeIRCCodes (string In))
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, AllObjects, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, Caps, Ceil, Chr, Clamp, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, Cos, Created, Cross, Disable, Divide, Dot, DynamicLoadObject, EatStr, Enable, EndState, Eval, Exp, FClamp, FindObject, FMax, FMin, FRand, GetAxes, GetEnum, GetItemName, GetPerObjectNames, GetPropertyText, GetReferencers, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, InterpCurveEval, InterpCurveGetInputDomain, InterpCurveGetOutputRange, Invert, IsA, IsInState, IsOnConsole, IsSoaking, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Log, Loge, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, OrthoRotation, PlatformIs64Bit, PlatformIsMacOS, PlatformIsUnix, PlatformIsWindows, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, Repl, ReplaceText, ResetConfig, Right, RotRand, Round, SaveConfig, SetPropertyText, Sin, Smerp, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, StopWatch, StrCmp, Tan, VRand, VSize, Warn, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

StringConcatSeparator Source code

var localized string StringConcatSeparator;

StringConcatSeparatorLast Source code

var localized string StringConcatSeparatorLast;

StringInSpacefighter Source code

var localized string StringInSpacefighter;

StringPrefixAdmin Source code

var localized string StringPrefixAdmin;

StringPrefixAmpedVehicle Source code

var localized string StringPrefixAmpedVehicle;

StringPrefixBot Source code

var localized string StringPrefixBot;

StringPrefixHuman Source code

var localized string StringPrefixHuman;

StringPrefixNeutral Source code

var localized string StringPrefixNeutral;

StringPrefixSpectator Source code

var localized string StringPrefixSpectator;

StringPrefixTeam Source code

var localized string StringPrefixTeam;

StringPrefixTeamIndex[4] Source code

var localized string StringPrefixTeamIndex[4];

StringSuffixBot Source code

var localized string StringSuffixBot;

StringSuffixHuman Source code

var localized string StringSuffixHuman;

StringSuffixScore Source code

var localized string StringSuffixScore;

StringSuffixTeam Source code

var localized string StringSuffixTeam;

Structures Detail

TAlignedTable Source code

struct TAlignedTable
var GUI.eTextAlign Align;
var array<TTableCell> Rows;
var int Width;
Scoreboard table. The struct represents a single column.

TTableCell Source code

struct TTableCell
var string Content;
var string StrippedContent;
Struct representing a single field in a table.

Functions Detail

ColorCode Source code

static final function string ColorCode ( color Color) )

ConcatWithSeparator Source code

static final function string ConcatWithSeparator ( array<string> Strings) )
Concats phrases with proper punctuation, e.g.: one, two and three

EscapeIRCCodes Source code

static final function string EscapeIRCCodes ( string In) )
Returns the string with escape sequences instead of IRC color and formatting codes.

FormatPlayerName Source code

static final function string FormatPlayerName ( Actor Player, bool bOnlyName, optional string StringScoreTemplate, optional string CustomPrefix) )
Returns a formatted player name for IRC.

FormatTeamName Source code

static final function string FormatTeamName ( TeamInfo Team, bool bOnlyColorAndName) )
Returns a formatted player name for IRC.

FormatTime Source code

static final function string FormatTime ( int Seconds, optional bool bLeadingZero, optional bool bHours) )
Returns a formatted time string.

GetPlayerActors Source code

static final function GetPlayerActors ( Actor Player, out Controller C, out Pawn P, out PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )
Finds a player's Controller, PRI and current Pawn.

GetTemplateProperties Source code

static final function string GetTemplateProperties ( Object O, string Template) )
Returns properties of the object according to the template string.

HMACMD5String Source code

static final function string HMACMD5String ( string In, string Key) )
Calculates the HMAC-MD5 of a string and key and returns it as string.

IsPlayer Source code

static final function bool IsPlayer ( Actor Other) )
Returns whether a Pawn, Controller or PRI belongs to a player.

LittleEndianToHex Source code

static final function string LittleEndianToHex ( int i) )
Turns an integer into its hexadecimal string representation assuming little-endian byte order.

MD5String Source code

static final function string MD5String ( string In) )
Calculates the MD5 hash of a string and returns it as string.

Now Source code

static final function int Now ( LevelInfo Level) )
Returns the number of milliseconds passed today.

ParseIRCUserAddress Source code

static final function bool ParseIRCUserAddress ( string Address, optional out string Nick, optional out string Ident, optional out string Host) )
Splits an IRC user address into nick, ident and host. Returns true on success.

PrepareTable Source code

static final function PrepareTable ( out array<TAlignedTable> Table) )
Prepares a table for being sent to IRC.

ReplOnce Source code

static final function string ReplOnce ( coerce string Src, coerce string Match, coerce string With, optional bool bCaseSensitive) )
Replaces the first occurance of the match string and returns the result.

Spc Source code

static final function string Spc ( int i) )
Returns a string containing the specified number of space characters.

StripColorCodes Source code

static final function string StripColorCodes ( string Input) )
Returns the string without UT color codes.

StripIRCCodes Source code

static final function string StripIRCCodes ( string In, optional bool bOnlyColors) )
Returns the string without IRC color and formatting codes in it.

ToIRCLower Source code

static final function string ToIRCLower ( string s) )

ToIRCUpper Source code

static final function string ToIRCUpper ( string s) )

Trim Source code

static final function string Trim ( string S) )
Returns the string without whitespaces on the left and right side of it.

UnescapeIRCCodes Source code

static final function string UnescapeIRCCodes ( string In) )
Returns the string with escape sequences converted to IRC color and formatting codes.


	StringPrefixTeamIndex[0]  = "[^K]04"
	StringPrefixTeamIndex[1]  = "[^K]12"
	StringPrefixTeamIndex[2]  = "[^K]03"
	StringPrefixTeamIndex[3]  = "[^K]07"
	StringPrefixNeutral       = "[^K]03"
	StringPrefixSpectator     = "[^K]14"
	StringPrefixAmpedVehicle  = "[^K]13"
	StringPrefixAdmin         = "Admin "
	StringPrefixBot           = "Bot [^B]"
	StringPrefixHuman         = "[^B]"
	StringPrefixTeam          = "[^B]"
	StringSuffixBot           = "[^B]"
	StringSuffixHuman         = "[^B]"
	StringSuffixTeam          = "[^O]"
	StringSuffixScore         = " (%s)"

	StringConcatSeparator     = "[^O], "
	StringConcatSeparatorLast = "[^O] and "

	StringInSpacefighter  = "in a %v"

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Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:29.954 - Created with UnCodeX