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EradicatorTurret Creation date: 2011-08-23 10:50 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Onslaught.ONSWeapon
      +-- OnslaughtBP.ONSArtilleryCannon
         +-- WVEradicatorV2.EradicatorTurret

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from OnslaughtBP.ONSArtilleryCannon
bCanHitTarget, bHoldingFire, CameraAttempts, CameraLaunchWait, ChargedLoop, ChargingSound, LastAim, LastBeepTime, LastCameraLaunch, LastMortarShell, LastWeaponCharge, MaxHoldTime, MaxSpeed, MinSpeed, MortarCamera, MortarShell, MortarSpeed, PredicatedTimeToImpact, PredictedTargetLocation, StartHoldTime, TargetPredictionTimeStep, TrajectoryErrorFactor, WeaponCharge
Inherited Variables from Onslaught.ONSWeapon
AIInfo[2], AimLockReleaseTime, AimTraceRange, AltFireForce, AltFireInterval, AltFireProjectileClass, AltFireSoundClass, AltFireSoundRadius, AltFireSoundVolume, AmbientEffectEmitter, AmbientEffectEmitterClass, AmbientSoundScaling, bActive, bAimable, bAmbientAltFireSound, bAmbientFireSound, bCallInstigatorPostRender, bCorrectAim, bDoOffsetTrace, bDualIndependantTargeting, bForceCenterAim, bInheritVelocity, bInstantFire, bInstantRotation, bIsAltFire, bIsRepeatingFF, BlueSkin, bReflective, bShowAimCrosshair, bShowChargingBar, CurrentAim, CurrentHitLocation, DamageMax, DamageMin, DamageType, DebugInfo, DualFireOffset, EffectEmitter, EffectEmitterClass, FireCountdown, FireForce, FireInterval, FireIntervalAimLock, FireSoundClass, FireSoundPitch, FireSoundRadius, FireSoundVolume, FlashCount, FlashEmitter, FlashEmitterClass, GunnerAttachmentBone, HitCount, LastHitLocation, LastRotation, Momentum, OldFlashCount, OldHitCount, PitchBone, PitchDownLimit, PitchUpLimit, ProjectileClass, Projectiles, RedSkin, RotateSound, RotateSoundThreshold, RotationsPerSecond, SavedFireProperties[2], ShakeOffsetMag, ShakeOffsetRate, ShakeOffsetTime, ShakeRotMag, ShakeRotRate, ShakeRotTime, Spread, Team, TraceRange, WeaponFireAttachmentBone, WeaponFireLocation, WeaponFireOffset, WeaponFireRotation, WeaponOffset, YawBone, YawConstraintDelta, YawEndConstraint, YawStartConstraint

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Onslaught.ONSWeapon

Functions Summary
eventbool AttemptFire (Controller C, bool bAltFire))
functionbyte BestMode ()))
functionbool CanAttack (Actor Other))
functionbool GetFireDirection (vector TargetLocation, optional out rotator FireRotation, optional out float FireSpeedFactor))
function PredictTarget ()))
function PredictTargetLocation (float Speed, vector Direction))
functionProjectile SpawnProjectile (class<Projectile> ProjClass, bool bAltFire))
functionbool TestTrajectory (vector TargetLocation, rotator FireRotation, float FireSpeedFactor, bool bIgnoreActors, optional out vector HitLocation))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
Inherited Functions from OnslaughtBP.ONSArtilleryCannon
AdjustAim, AllowCameraLaunch, AttemptFire, BestMode, CalcZSpeed, CanAttack, ChargeBar, FlashMuzzleFlash, NotifyDeployed, OwnerEffects, PredictTarget, ServerSetWeaponCharge, SetMuzzleVelocity, SetWeaponCharge, SpawnProjectile, StaticPrecache, UpdatePrecacheMaterials, UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes
Inherited Functions from Onslaught.ONSWeapon
AdjustAim, AltFire, AttemptFire, BestMode, CalcWeaponFire, CanAttack, CeaseFire, ChargeBar, ClientPlayForceFeedback, ClientSpawnHitEffects, ClientStartFire, ClientStopFire, Destroyed, DestroyEffects, DisplayDebug, DoCombo, Fire, FlashMuzzleFlash, InitEffects, LimitPitch, MaxRange, OwnerEffects, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, SetFireRateModifier, SetGRI, SetTeam, ShakeView, SimulateTraceFire, SpawnBeamEffect, SpawnHitEffects, SpawnProjectile, StaticPrecache, StopForceFeedback, TraceFire, WeaponCeaseFire

Variables Detail

NextTargetPredictionTime Source code

var float NextTargetPredictionTime;

TargetRotation Source code

var rotator TargetRotation;

Functions Detail

AttemptFire Source code

event bool AttemptFire ( Controller C, bool bAltFire) )
Filter fire attempts so player needs to launch and deploy a camera first.

BestMode Source code

function byte BestMode ( ) )

CanAttack Source code

function bool CanAttack ( Actor Other) )

GetFireDirection Source code

simulated function bool GetFireDirection ( vector TargetLocation, optional out rotator FireRotation, optional out float FireSpeedFactor) )
Returns whether the target offset is reachable, assuming clear shot. Outputs the fire rotation that will get the shot to the desired target area.

PredictTarget Source code

simulated function PredictTarget ( ) )

PredictTargetLocation Source code

function PredictTargetLocation ( float Speed, vector Direction) )

SpawnProjectile Source code

function Projectile SpawnProjectile ( class<Projectile> ProjClass, bool bAltFire) )

TestTrajectory Source code

simulated function bool TestTrajectory ( vector TargetLocation, rotator FireRotation, float FireSpeedFactor, bool bIgnoreActors, optional out vector HitLocation) )

Tick Source code

simulated function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )


	ProjectileClass = class'EradicatorShell';
	AltFireProjectileClass = class'EradicatorCameraShell';
	FireIntervalAimLock = 0.3;
	FireInterval = 3.5;
	AltFireInterval = 1.5;

	Mesh      = SkeletalMesh'SK_VH_ERAD_Cannon';
	RedSkin   = Shader'EradicatorRed';
	BlueSkin  = Shader'EradicatorBlue';
	DrawScale = 1.3;
	PitchBone = "MainTurret_Pitch";
	YawBone   = "MainTurret_Yaw";
	PitchUpLimit             = 16000;
	WeaponFireAttachmentBone = "MainTurret_BarrelB";
	WeaponFireOffset         = 150.0;

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