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+-- Engine.WeaponFire
   +-- XWeapons.ProjectileFire
      +-- Betrayal.BetrayalMercuryFire

Direct Known Subclasses:


Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from XWeapons.ProjectileFire
ProjPerFire, ProjSpawnOffset
Inherited Variables from Engine.WeaponFire
AimError, AmmoClass, AmmoClipSize, AmmoPerFire, bAttachFlashEmitter, bAttachSmokeEmitter, bFireOnRelease, bInstantHit, bInstantStop, bIsFiring, bLeadTarget, bModeExclusive, bNowWaiting, BotRefireRate, bPawnRapidFireAnim, bRecommendSplashDamage, bReflective, bServerDelayStartFire, bServerDelayStopFire, bSplashDamage, bSplashJump, bTimerLoop, bTossed, bWaitForRelease, DamageAtten, FireAnim, FireAnimRate, FireCount, FireEndAnim, FireEndAnimRate, FireForce, FireLoopAnim, FireLoopAnimRate, FireRate, FireSound, FlashEmitter, FlashEmitterClass, HoldTime, Instigator, Level, Load, MaxHoldTime, NextFireTime, NextTimerPop, NoAmmoForce, NoAmmoSound, Owner, PreFireAnim, PreFireAnimRate, PreFireTime, ProjectileClass, ReloadAnim, ReloadAnimRate, ReloadForce, ReloadSound, SavedFireProperties, ServerStartFireTime, ShakeOffsetMag, ShakeOffsetRate, ShakeOffsetTime, ShakeRotMag, ShakeRotRate, ShakeRotTime, SmokeEmitter, SmokeEmitterClass, Spread, SpreadStyle, ThisModeNum, TimerInterval, TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, TweenTime, WarnTargetPct, Weapon

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.WeaponFire

Functions Summary
function InitEffects ()))
function PlayFireEnd ()
function PlayFiring ()))
functionProjectile SpawnProjectile (vector Start, rotator Dir))
function StartBerserk ()))
function StartSuperBerserk ()))
function StopBerserk ()))
Inherited Functions from XWeapons.ProjectileFire
DoFireEffect, GetFireStart, SpawnProjectile
Inherited Functions from Engine.WeaponFire
AdjustAim, AllowFire, BeginPlay, ClientPlayForceFeedback, DestroyEffects, DisplayDebug, DoFireEffect, DrawMuzzleFlash, FlashMuzzleFlash, GetFireStart, InitEffects, IsFiring, MaxRange, ModeDoFire, ModeHoldFire, ModeTick, PlayFireEnd, PlayFiring, PlayPreFire, PlayStartHold, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, ServerPlayFiring, SetInitialState, SetTimer, ShakeView, Spawn, StartBerserk, StartFiring, StartMuzzleSmoke, StartSuperBerserk, StopBerserk, StopFiring, StopForceFeedback, Timer, Trace, Update

Variables Detail

KickMomentum Source code

var vector KickMomentum;

Functions Detail

InitEffects Source code

function InitEffects ( ) )
Spawn and attach the flash emitter.

PlayFireEnd Source code

function PlayFireEnd ( )

PlayFiring Source code

function PlayFiring ( ) )
Play the firing animation.

SpawnProjectile Source code

function Projectile SpawnProjectile ( vector Start, rotator Dir) )
Spawns a mercury missile and disables its splash damage if neccessary.

StartBerserk Source code

function StartBerserk ( ) )
Set up for Berserk adrenaline combo. Increases firerate and raw damage by about 15.5% each, resulting in about 33% more damage output per time.

StartSuperBerserk Source code

function StartSuperBerserk ( ) )
Set up for Super Berserk mutator. Splits the berserk strength across firerate and raw damage output.

StopBerserk Source code

function StopBerserk ( ) )
Revert Berserk combo effects.


	FireAnim     = Fire
	FireAnimRate = 1.0
	FireRate     = 0.9
	TweenTime    = 0.0
	FireSound    = Sound'MercIgnite'
	FireForce    = "RocketLauncherFire"
	TransientSoundVolume = 0.3

	ProjectileClass   = class'BetrayalMercuryMissile'
	ProjSpawnOffset   = (X=25,Y=6,Z=-6)
	FlashEmitterClass = class'XEffects.RocketMuzFlash1st'
	KickMomentum      = (X=-50.0,Z=5.0)

	bSplashDamage          = false
	bRecommendSplashDamage = false
	bSplashJump            = true
	BotRefireRate          = 0.5
	WarnTargetPct          = 0.9

	ShakeOffsetMag  = (X=-20.0,Y=0.00,Z=0.00)
	ShakeOffsetRate = (X=-1000.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0)
	ShakeOffsetTime = 2
	ShakeRotMag     = (X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0)
	ShakeRotRate    = (X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=0.0)
	ShakeRotTime    = 2

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