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hidedropdown config ( User )

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Inventory
      +-- Engine.Weapon
         +-- Betrayal.BetrayalMercuryLauncher

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Weapon

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Weapon
AimAnim, AimAnimRate, AIRating, AmmoCharge[2], AmmoClass[2], Ammo[NUM_FIRE_MODES], bBerserk, bCanThrow, bDebugging, bEndOfRound, bForceSwitch, bInitOldMesh, bMatchWeapons, bMeleeWeapon, bNoAmmoInstances, bNoInstagibReplace, bNotInDemo, bNotInPriorityList, bNoVoluntarySwitch, BotMode, bPendingSwitch, BringUpTime, bShowChargingBar, bSniping, bSpectated, bUseOldWeaponMesh, CenteredOffsetY, CenteredRoll, CenteredYaw, ClientState, CurrentRating, CustomCrosshair, CustomCrossHairColor, CustomCrossHairScale, CustomCrossHairTexture, CustomCrossHairTextureName, DefaultPriority, DemoReplacement, Description, DisplayFOV, DownDelay, EffectOffset, ExchangeFireModes, FireModeClass[NUM_FIRE_MODES], FireMode[NUM_FIRE_MODES], Hand, HudColor, IdleAnim, IdleAnimRate, MessageNoAmmo, MinReloadPct, OldCenteredOffsetY, OldCenteredRoll, OldCenteredYaw, OldDrawScale, OldMesh, OldPickup, OldPlayerViewOffset, OldPlayerViewPivot, OldSmallViewOffset, OldWeapon, Priority, PutDownAnim, PutDownAnimRate, PutDownTime, RenderedHand, RestAnim, RestAnimRate, RunAnim, RunAnimRate, SelectAnim, SelectAnimRate, SelectForce, SelectSound, SmallEffectOffset, SmallViewOffset
Inherited Variables from Engine.Inventory
AttachmentClass, bDisplayableInv, bDrawingFirstPerson, BobDamping, bTossedOut, Charge, GroupOffset, IconCoords, IconMaterial, InventoryGroup, ItemName, PickupClass, PlayerViewOffset, PlayerViewPivot, ThirdPersonActor

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Weapon

Functions Summary
function AnimEnd (int Channel))
functionbyte BestMode ()))
function BringUp (optional Weapon PrevWeapon))
function CheckOutOfAmmo ()))
functionbool ConsumeAmmo (int Mode, float Load, optional bool bAmountNeededIsMax))
functionfloat GetAIRating ()))
functionbool HasAmmo ()))
function PlayFiring (bool plunge))
function PlayIdle ()))
function Plunge ()))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
functionfloat SuggestAttackStyle ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Weapon
AddAmmo, AdjustPlayerDamage, AltFire, AmmoAmount, AmmoMaxed, AmmoPickupClass, AmmoStatus, AnimEnd, BeginState, BestMode, BotFire, BringUp, CanAttack, CanHeal, CanThrow, CenteredEffectStart, ChargeBar, CheckOutOfAmmo, CheckReflect, CheckSuperBerserk, ClientForceAmmoUpdate, ClientPlayForceFeedback, ClientStartFire, ClientStopFire, ClientWeaponSet, ClientWeaponThrown, ClientWriteFire, ClientWriteStats, ConsumeAmmo, DesireAmmo, Destroyed, DetachFromPawn, DisplayDebug, DoAutoSwitch, DoReflectEffect, DrawWeaponInfo, DropFrom, EndState, FillToInitialAmmo, Fire, FireHack, FireOnRelease, FocusOnLeader, GetAIRating, GetAmmoClass, GetAmmoCount, GetDamageRadius, GetDamageType, GetEffectStart, GetFireMode, GetFireStart, GetViewAxes, GiveAmmo, GiveTo, HackPlayFireSound, HandlePickupQuery, HasAmmo, HolderDied, ImmediateStopFire, IncrementFlashCount, InitWeaponFires, IsFiring, IsRapidFire, Loaded, MaxAmmo, MaxOutAmmo, NeedAmmo, NewDrawWeaponInfo, NextWeapon, OutOfAmmo, PawnUnpossessed, PlayIdle, PostBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PreDrawFPWeapon, PrevWeapon, PutDown, RangedAttackTime, RateSelf, ReadyToFire, RecommendLongRangedAttack, RecommendRangedAttack, RecommendSplashDamage, RecommendWeapon, RefireRate, RenderOverlays, Reselect, ServerStartFire, ServerStopFire, SetAITarget, SetGRI, SetHand, ShootHoop, ShouldFireWithoutTarget, SplashDamage, SplashJump, StartBerserk, StartDebugging, StartFire, StopBerserk, StopFire, StopForceFeedback, SuggestAttackStyle, SuggestDefenseStyle, SuperMaxOutAmmo, SynchronizeWeapon, Timer, WantsZoomFade, WeaponCentered, WeaponChange, WeaponTick, ZeroFlashCount
Inherited Functions from Engine.Inventory
AttachToPawn, Destroyed, DetachFromPawn, DropFrom, GetHumanReadableName, GiveTo, HandlePickupQuery, NextWeapon, OwnerEvent, PickupFunction, PrevWeapon, PrioritizeArmor, RecommendWeapon, RenderOverlays, SelectNext, SetOwnerDisplay, StaticItemName, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, updaterelative, Use, WeaponChange

States Summary
AnimateLoad Source code
simulated state AnimateLoad

Variables Detail

RocketJumpBoost Source code

var float RocketJumpBoost;

Functions Detail

AnimEnd Source code

simulated function AnimEnd ( int Channel) )

BestMode Source code

function byte BestMode ( ) )

BringUp Source code

simulated function BringUp ( optional Weapon PrevWeapon) )

CheckOutOfAmmo Source code

simulated function CheckOutOfAmmo ( ) )

ConsumeAmmo Source code

simulated function bool ConsumeAmmo ( int Mode, float Load, optional bool bAmountNeededIsMax) )

GetAIRating Source code

function float GetAIRating ( ) )

HasAmmo Source code

simulated function bool HasAmmo ( ) )

PlayFiring Source code

simulated function PlayFiring ( bool plunge) )

PlayIdle Source code

simulated function PlayIdle ( ) )

Plunge Source code

simulated function Plunge ( ) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

SuggestAttackStyle Source code

function float SuggestAttackStyle ( ) )


	RocketJumpBoost = 3.0

	FireModeClass(0) = Class'BetrayalMercuryFire'
	FireModeClass(1) = Class'BetrayalMercuryAltFire'

	SelectAnim   = "Pickup"
	PutDownAnim  = "PutDown"
	IdleAnimRate = 0.5
	SelectSound  = Sound'WeaponSounds.RocketLauncher.SwitchToRocketLauncher'
	SelectForce  = "SwitchToRocketLauncher"

	AttachmentClass = Class'BetrayalMercuryLauncherAttachment'

	AIRating      = 0.8
	CurrentRating = 0.8

	Priority        = 10
	DefaultPriority = 9
	InventoryGroup  = 8
	GroupOffset     = 2

	EffectOffset      = (X=50.0,Y=1.0,Z=10.0)
	DisplayFOV        = 60.0
	PlayerViewOffset  = (Y=8.0)
	PlayerViewPivot   = (Yaw=500,Roll=1000)
	BobDamping        = 1.5
	Mesh              = SkeletalMesh'Weapons.RocketLauncher_1st'
	Skins(0)          = Texture'MercuryLauncherTex'
	HighDetailOverlay = FinalBlend'MercuryLauncherShiny'

	IconMaterial = Texture'HUDContent.Generic.HUD'
	IconCoords   = (X1=253,Y1=146,X2=333,Y2=181)
	ItemName     = "Betrayal Mercury Launcher"
	Description  = "The Mercury Missile Launcher is a modification to the Trident rocket launcher that is capable of firing high-speed rockets.||This version comes with special ammunition that is usually 100% deadly against infantry, but only on direct impact."
	PickupClass  = class'BetrayalMercuryLauncherPickup'

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