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BFRLFire Creation date: 2011-02-22 21:41 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.WeaponFire
   +-- XWeapons.ProjectileFire
      +-- BFRL10k.BFRLFire

Direct Known Subclasses:


Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from XWeapons.ProjectileFire
ProjPerFire, ProjSpawnOffset
Inherited Variables from Engine.WeaponFire
AimError, AmmoClass, AmmoClipSize, AmmoPerFire, bAttachFlashEmitter, bAttachSmokeEmitter, bFireOnRelease, bInstantHit, bInstantStop, bIsFiring, bLeadTarget, bModeExclusive, bNowWaiting, BotRefireRate, bPawnRapidFireAnim, bRecommendSplashDamage, bReflective, bServerDelayStartFire, bServerDelayStopFire, bSplashDamage, bSplashJump, bTimerLoop, bTossed, bWaitForRelease, DamageAtten, FireAnim, FireAnimRate, FireCount, FireEndAnim, FireEndAnimRate, FireForce, FireLoopAnim, FireLoopAnimRate, FireRate, FireSound, FlashEmitter, FlashEmitterClass, HoldTime, Instigator, Level, Load, MaxHoldTime, NextFireTime, NextTimerPop, NoAmmoForce, NoAmmoSound, Owner, PreFireAnim, PreFireAnimRate, PreFireTime, ProjectileClass, ReloadAnim, ReloadAnimRate, ReloadForce, ReloadSound, SavedFireProperties, ServerStartFireTime, ShakeOffsetMag, ShakeOffsetRate, ShakeOffsetTime, ShakeRotMag, ShakeRotRate, ShakeRotTime, SmokeEmitter, SmokeEmitterClass, Spread, SpreadStyle, ThisModeNum, TimerInterval, TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, TweenTime, WarnTargetPct, Weapon

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.WeaponFire

Functions Summary
function PlayFiring ()))
Inherited Functions from XWeapons.ProjectileFire
DoFireEffect, GetFireStart, SpawnProjectile
Inherited Functions from Engine.WeaponFire
AdjustAim, AllowFire, BeginPlay, ClientPlayForceFeedback, DestroyEffects, DisplayDebug, DoFireEffect, DrawMuzzleFlash, FlashMuzzleFlash, GetFireStart, InitEffects, IsFiring, MaxRange, ModeDoFire, ModeHoldFire, ModeTick, PlayFireEnd, PlayFiring, PlayPreFire, PlayStartHold, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, ServerPlayFiring, SetInitialState, SetTimer, ShakeView, Spawn, StartBerserk, StartFiring, StartMuzzleSmoke, StartSuperBerserk, StopBerserk, StopFiring, StopForceFeedback, Timer, Trace, Update

Functions Detail

PlayFiring Source code

function PlayFiring ( ) )


	ProjectileClass = class'BFRocket'
	AmmoClass       = class'BFRLAmmo'
	AmmoPerFire     = 1
	ProjSpawnOffset = (X=25,Y=6,Z=-6)

	bSplashDamage          = True
	bRecommendSplashDamage = True
	bSplashJump            = True
	BotRefireRate          =   0.8
	WarnTargetPct          =   0.9
	TransientSoundVolume   =   1.0
	TransientSoundRadius   = 700.0

	FireSound      = Sound'BFRLFire'
	TweenTime      =  0.05
	FireAnimRate   =  4.0
	ReloadAnimRate = 10.0
	FireRate       =  0.25
	ReloadAnim     = Reload

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