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RandomVotingHandler Creation date: 2010-02-10 21:51 Last change: $Id$

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.VotingHandler
         +-- xVoting.xVotingHandler
            +-- RandomVoting.RandomVotingHandler

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from xVoting.xVotingHandler

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from xVoting.xVotingHandler
AccInfo, bAccumulationMode, bAnonymousKicking, bAutoDetectMode, bAutoOpen, bDefaultToCurrentGameType, bEliminationMode, bKickVote, bLevelSwitchPending, bMapVote, bMatchSetup, bMidGameVote, bScoreMode, CurrentGameConfig, DefaultGameConfig, GameConfig, GameConfigPage, History, KickPercent, KickVoteCount, lmsgAdminMapChange, lmsgAnonymousKickVote, lmsgGameConfigColumnTitle[6], lmsgInvalidPassword, lmsgKickVote, lmsgKickVoteAdmin, lmsgMapVotedFor, lmsgMapVotedForWithCount, lmsgMapWon, lmsgMatchSetupPermission, lmsgMidGameVote, lmsgSpectatorsCantVote, MapCount, MapList, MapListConfigPage, MapListLoaderType, MapVoteCount, MapVoteHistoryClass, MapVoteHistoryType, MatchProfile, MidGameVotePercent, MinMapCount, MVRI, PropDescription[17], PropsDisplayText[17], RepeatLimit, ScoreBoardDelay, ScoreBoardTime, ServerNumber, ServerTravelString, ServerTravelTime, TextMessage, TimeLeft, VoteTimeLimit

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.VotingHandler
AccumulationData, KickVoteScore, MapHistoryInfo, MapVoteGameConfig, MapVoteGameConfigLite, MapVoteMapList, MapVoteScore

Functions Summary
eventbool AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string PropertyName))
function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
eventstring GetDescriptionText (string PropName))
function LoadMapList ()))
functionstring SetupGameMap (MapVoteMapList MapInfo, int GameIndex, MapHistoryInfo MapHistoryInfo))
Inherited Functions from xVoting.xVotingHandler
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AddConfigArrayItem, AddMap, AddMapVoteReplicationInfo, CloseAllVoteWindows, CreateMatchProfile, DeleteConfigArrayItem, FillPlayInfo, GetAccVote, GetConfigArrayColumnTitle, GetConfigArrayData, GetConfigArrayItemCount, GetDefaultMap, GetDescriptionText, GetGameConfig, GetMapList, GetMVRIIndex, GetPlayerScore, GetServerDetails, HandleRestartGame, IsEnabled, IsValidVote, KickPlayer, LoadMapList, MatchSetupLogin, MatchSetupLogout, OpenAllVoteWindows, PlayerExit, PlayerJoin, PostBeginPlay, PropagateValue, ReloadAll, ReloadMatchConfig, SaveAccVotes, SetupGameMap, SubmitKickVote, SubmitMapVote, TallyKickVotes, TallyVotes, timer, UpdateConfigArrayItem, UpdateKickVoteCount, UpdateVoteCount
Inherited Functions from Engine.VotingHandler
AddConfigArrayItem, DeleteConfigArrayItem, FillPlayInfo, GetConfigArrayColumnTitle, GetConfigArrayData, GetConfigArrayItemCount, GetServerDetails, HandleRestartGame, IsEnabled, PlayerExit, PlayerJoin, ReloadAll, UpdateConfigArrayItem

Variables Detail

bAllowRandomVote Source code

var config bool bAllowRandomVote;

bSkipRecentRandomMaps Source code

var config bool bSkipRecentRandomMaps;

descAllowRandomVote Source code

var localized string descAllowRandomVote;

descRandomSuffix Source code

var localized string descRandomSuffix;

descSkipRecentRandomMaps Source code

var localized string descSkipRecentRandomMaps;

lblAllowRandomVote Source code

var localized string lblAllowRandomVote;

lblRandomSuffix Source code

var localized string lblRandomSuffix;

lblSkipRecentRandomMaps Source code

var localized string lblSkipRecentRandomMaps;

RandomSuffix Source code

var config string RandomSuffix;

Functions Detail

AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code

static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string PropertyName) )

FillPlayInfo Source code

static function FillPlayInfo ( PlayInfo PlayInfo) )

GetDescriptionText Source code

static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName) )

LoadMapList Source code

function LoadMapList ( ) )

SetupGameMap Source code

function string SetupGameMap ( MapVoteMapList MapInfo, int GameIndex, MapHistoryInfo MapHistoryInfo) )


	bAllowRandomVote = True
	bSkipRecentRandomMaps = True
	RandomSuffix     = "-<???>"

	lblAllowRandomVote  = "Allow random map vote"
	descAllowRandomVote = "Add a special entry to the vote map list that will pick a random map list entry if voted for."

	lblSkipRecentRandomMaps  = "Skip recent maps for random vote"
	descSkipRecentRandomMaps = "Prevent recently voted maps from being picked as result of the random vote."

	lblRandomSuffix  = "Random vote suffix"
	descRandomSuffix = "Map name suffix for the random vote entry in the map list."

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Creation time: Sa 23.8.2014 09:18:27.633 - Created with UnCodeX