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FirebugFlameTurret Creation date: 2012-10-11 19:41 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2012, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Onslaught.ONSWeapon
      +-- WVHoverTankV3.HoverTankWeapon
         +-- WVHoverTankV3.FirebugFlameTurret

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from WVHoverTankV3.HoverTankWeapon
bTurnedOff, FireRecoilAmount
Inherited Variables from Onslaught.ONSWeapon
AIInfo[2], AimLockReleaseTime, AimTraceRange, AltFireForce, AltFireInterval, AltFireProjectileClass, AltFireSoundClass, AltFireSoundRadius, AltFireSoundVolume, AmbientEffectEmitter, AmbientEffectEmitterClass, AmbientSoundScaling, bActive, bAimable, bAmbientAltFireSound, bAmbientFireSound, bCallInstigatorPostRender, bCorrectAim, bDoOffsetTrace, bDualIndependantTargeting, bForceCenterAim, bInheritVelocity, bInstantFire, bInstantRotation, bIsAltFire, bIsRepeatingFF, BlueSkin, bReflective, bShowAimCrosshair, bShowChargingBar, CurrentAim, CurrentHitLocation, DamageMax, DamageMin, DamageType, DebugInfo, DualFireOffset, EffectEmitter, EffectEmitterClass, FireCountdown, FireForce, FireInterval, FireIntervalAimLock, FireSoundClass, FireSoundPitch, FireSoundRadius, FireSoundVolume, FlashCount, FlashEmitter, FlashEmitterClass, GunnerAttachmentBone, HitCount, LastHitLocation, LastRotation, Momentum, OldFlashCount, OldHitCount, PitchBone, PitchDownLimit, PitchUpLimit, ProjectileClass, Projectiles, RedSkin, RotateSound, RotateSoundThreshold, RotationsPerSecond, SavedFireProperties[2], ShakeOffsetMag, ShakeOffsetRate, ShakeOffsetTime, ShakeRotMag, ShakeRotRate, ShakeRotTime, Spread, Team, TraceRange, WeaponFireAttachmentBone, WeaponFireLocation, WeaponFireOffset, WeaponFireRotation, WeaponOffset, YawBone, YawConstraintDelta, YawEndConstraint, YawStartConstraint

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Onslaught.ONSWeapon

Functions Summary
functionbyte BestMode ()))
function CalcWeaponFire ()))
function ClientStartFire (Controller C, bool bAltFire))
function DestroyEffects ()))
function Fire (Controller C))
function InitEffects ()))
function SetFireRateModifier (float Modifier))
function SetTeam (byte T))
function StaticPrecache (LevelInfo L))
function UpdatePrecacheMaterials ()))
function UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes ()))
Inherited Functions from WVHoverTankV3.HoverTankWeapon
SpawnProjectile, Tick
Inherited Functions from Onslaught.ONSWeapon
AdjustAim, AltFire, AttemptFire, BestMode, CalcWeaponFire, CanAttack, CeaseFire, ChargeBar, ClientPlayForceFeedback, ClientSpawnHitEffects, ClientStartFire, ClientStopFire, Destroyed, DestroyEffects, DisplayDebug, DoCombo, Fire, FlashMuzzleFlash, InitEffects, LimitPitch, MaxRange, OwnerEffects, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, SetFireRateModifier, SetGRI, SetTeam, ShakeView, SimulateTraceFire, SpawnBeamEffect, SpawnHitEffects, SpawnProjectile, StaticPrecache, StopForceFeedback, TraceFire, WeaponCeaseFire

States Summary
ProjectileFireMode Source code
state ProjectileFireMode

Variables Detail

DamageFactor Source code

var float DamageFactor;


BlueSkin2 Source code

var(FirebugFlameTurret) Material BlueSkin2;

RedSkin2 Source code

var(FirebugFlameTurret) Material RedSkin2;

Functions Detail

BestMode Source code

function byte BestMode ( ) )

CalcWeaponFire Source code

simulated function CalcWeaponFire ( ) )

ClientStartFire Source code

simulated function ClientStartFire ( Controller C, bool bAltFire) )

DestroyEffects Source code

simulated function DestroyEffects ( ) )

Fire ProjectileFireMode Source code

function Fire ( Controller C) )

InitEffects Source code

simulated function InitEffects ( ) )

SetFireRateModifier Source code

simulated function SetFireRateModifier ( float Modifier) )

SetTeam Source code

simulated function SetTeam ( byte T) )

StaticPrecache Source code

static function StaticPrecache ( LevelInfo L) )

UpdatePrecacheMaterials Source code

simulated function UpdatePrecacheMaterials ( ) )

UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes Source code

simulated function UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes ( ) )


	RedSkin   = Texture'ASTurret_Base_Red'
	RedSkin2  = Texture'ASTurret_Canon_Red'
	BlueSkin  = Texture'AS_Weapons_TX.Turret.ASTurret_Base'
	BlueSkin2 = Texture'AS_Weapons_TX.Turret.ASTurret_Canon'
	Mesh      = SkeletalMesh'BallTurretTankGun'

	AmbientEffectEmitterClass = class'FirebugPilotFlameEmitter'

	WeaponFireAttachmentBone = Turret
	WeaponFireOffset         = 100.0
	DualFireOffset           = 48.5
	FireInterval             = 0.1
	DamageFactor             = 1.0

	FireSoundClass      = Sound'FirebugFireLoop' 
	bAmbientFireSound   = True
	AmbientSoundScaling = 2.0
	ProjectileClass     = class'FlamerProjectile'
	SoundVolume         = 255
	SoundRadius         = 500.0

	YawBone            = Turret
	YawStartConstraint = 0
	YawEndConstraint   = 65535
	PitchBone          = Turret
	PitchUpLimit       = 16000
	PitchDownLimit     = 60000
	bAimable           = True
	RotationsPerSecond = 0.5


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