- Extends
- UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
Creation date: 2011-03-09 19:29
Last change: $Id$
Copyright © 2011, Wormbo
Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want
to report bugs/provide improvements.
+-- XInterface.GUI
+-- XInterface.GUIComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIMultiComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIPage
+-- XInterface.UT2K4GUIPage
+-- GUI2K4.PopupPageBase
+-- GUI2K4.FloatingWindow
+-- GUI2K4.LargeWindow
+-- GUI2K4.UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
+-- Betrayal.BetrayalClientSettingsMenu
var bool bPauseGame;
NoConsoleDeathMessages Source code
function HandleParameters ( string GameClassName, string PauseGame) )
function bool InitializeGameClass ( string GameClassName) )
function LoadSettings ( ) )
function SaveSettings ( ) )
WindowName = "Betrayal Client Options"
WinTop = 0.3
WinLeft = 0.3
WinWidth = 0.4
WinHeight = 0.35
bAllowedAsLast = True
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=chkSwapTeamColors
Caption = "Swap Team Colors"
CaptionWidth = 0.10
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center
WinTop = 0.35
WinLeft = 0.325
WinWidth = 0.35
TabOrder = 4
Hint = "Whether you want to reverse team colors so you and your teammates are red and opponents blue."
End Object
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=chkWantUnlagging
Caption = "Use Shot Unlagging"
CaptionWidth = 0.10
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center
WinTop = 0.4
WinLeft = 0.325
WinWidth = 0.35
TabOrder = 4
Hint = "Whether you want to take advantage of server-side ping compensation for hit detection."
End Object
Begin Object Class=moSlider Name=sldPingSmoothing
Caption = "Ping Smoothing"
CaptionWidth = 0.10
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center
WinTop = 0.45
WinLeft = 0.325
WinWidth = 0.35
TabOrder = 5
MinValue = 1
MaxValue = 100
bIntSlider = True
Hint = "Select the number of recent ping values to consider for smoothing your calculated ping. (default: 20)"
End Object
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=chkNoConsoleDeathMessages
Caption = "No Console Death Messages"
CaptionWidth = 0.10
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center
WinTop = 0.5
WinLeft = 0.325
WinWidth = 0.35
TabOrder = 4
Hint = "Turn off death messages in Betrayal. (Does not affect other game types.)"
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=CancelButton
Caption = "Cancel"
WinTop = 0.57
WinLeft = 0.44
WinWidth = 0.1
WinHeight = 0.04
TabOrder = 7
OnClick = InternalOnClick
Hint = "Click to close this menu, discarding changes."
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=OkButton
Caption = "OK"
WinTop = 0.57
WinLeft = 0.55
WinWidth = 0.1
WinHeight = 0.04
TabOrder = 8
OnClick = InternalOnClick
Hint = "Click to close this menu, saving changes."
End Object
Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:00.143 - Created with