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MutMercuryIGBetrayal Creation date: 2011-03-13 14:30 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.Mutator
         +-- Betrayal.MutMercuryIGBetrayal

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Mutator
bAddToServerPackages, bUserAdded, ConfigMenuClassName, DefaultWeapon, DefaultWeaponName, Description, FriendlyName, GroupName, IconMaterialName, NextMutator
Inherited Variables from Engine.Info
BotsGroup, ChatGroup, GameGroup, KickVoteGroup, MapVoteGroup, RulesGroup, ServerGroup

Functions Summary
functionbool AlwaysKeep (Actor Other))
function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
eventstring GetDescriptionText (string PropName))
function GetServerDetails (out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState))
functionGameInfo.KeyValuePair KeyValuePair (string Key, coerce string Value))
functionbool MutatorIsAllowed ()))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Mutator
AddMutator, AlwaysKeep, CanEnterVehicle, CanLeaveVehicle, CheckRelevance, CheckReplacement, Destroyed, DriverEnteredVehicle, DriverLeftVehicle, GetDefaultWeapon, GetInventoryClass, GetInventoryClassOverride, GetServerDetails, GetServerPlayers, IsRelevant, ModifyLogin, ModifyPlayer, Mutate, MutatorFillPlayInfo, MutatorIsAllowed, MyDefaultWeapon, NewRecommendCombo, NotifyLogout, OverrideDownload, ParseChatPercVar, PlayerChangedClass, PreBeginPlay, RecommendCombo, ReplaceWith, ServerTraveling
Inherited Functions from Engine.Info
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AllowClassRemoval, FillPlayInfo, GetDescriptionText, GetSecurityLevel

Variables Detail

RocketJumpBoost Source code

var config float RocketJumpBoost;

RocketJumpBoostHelpText Source code

var localized string RocketJumpBoostHelpText;

RocketJumpBoostText Source code

var localized string RocketJumpBoostText;

Functions Detail

AlwaysKeep Source code

function bool AlwaysKeep ( Actor Other) )
Configures the Mercury Missile Launcher's settings.

FillPlayInfo Source code

static function FillPlayInfo ( PlayInfo PlayInfo) )
Adds configurable properties to the web admin interface.

GetDescriptionText Source code

static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName) )
Returns the description text for a configurable property.

GetServerDetails Source code

function GetServerDetails ( out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState) )
Adds Mercury Missile config details to the server details.

KeyValuePair Source code

static final function GameInfo.KeyValuePair KeyValuePair ( string Key, coerce string Value) )

MutatorIsAllowed Source code

function bool MutatorIsAllowed ( ) )
Only works in Betrayal mode.

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
Replace the default Betrayal weapon.


	FriendlyName = "Betrayal Mercury Missiles"
	Description  = "Replaces the Instagib Rifle in Betrayal with the Instagib Mercury Missile Launcher."
	bAddToServerPackages = True

	RocketJumpBoost = 3.0

	RocketJumpBoostText     = "Rocket jump boost"
	RocketJumpBoostHelpText     = "Higher values make rocket jumps with mercury missiles more efficient. (default: 3.0)"

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