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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.AccessControl

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Info
BotsGroup, ChatGroup, GameGroup, KickVoteGroup, MapVoteGroup, RulesGroup, ServerGroup
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AccumKarmaAngleError, ActorRenderData, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AntiPortal, Attached, AttachmentBone, AttachTag, bAcceptsProjectors, bActorShadows, bAlreadyPrecachedMaterials, bAlreadyPrecachedMeshes, bAlwaysFaceCamera, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAlwaysZeroBoneOffset, bAnimByOwner, Base, bAttenByLife, bAutoAlignToTerrain, bBadStateCode, bBlockActors, bBlockKarma, bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces, bBlockPlayers, bBlockProjectiles, bBlocksTeleport, bBlockZeroExtentTraces, bBounce, bCanBeDamaged, bCanTeleport, bClientAnim, bClientAuthoritative, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bClientTrigger, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCompressedPosition, bCorona, bDeferRendering, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyInPainVolume, bDetailAttachment, bDirectional, bDirectionalCorona, bDisableSorting, bDisturbFluidSurface, bDramaticLighting, bDynamicLight, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForceSkelUpdate, bFullVolume, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdGroup, bHighDetail, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreOutOfWorld, bIgnoreTerminalVelocity, bIgnoreVehicles, bInterpolating, bJustTeleported, bLightChanged, bLightingVisibility, bLockLocation, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetNotify, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoRepMesh, bNotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, bNotOnDedServer, bObsolete, bOnlyAffectPawns, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyDrawIfAttached, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bOrientToVelocity, bOwnerNoSee, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bProjTarget, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateAnimations, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bScriptInitialized, bSelected, bShadowCast, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bShouldStopKarma, bShowOctreeNodes, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bSmoothKarmaStateUpdates, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bStaticLighting, bSuperHighDetail, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTraceWater, bTrailerAllowRotation, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bUseCollisionStaticMesh, bUseCylinderCollision, bUseDynamicLights, bUseLightingFromBase, bWasSNFiltered, bWorldGeometry, CachedLocalToWorld, CachedLocation, CachedRotation, ClientOverlayCounter, ClientOverlayTimer, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, CullDistance, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, DrawType, Event, ExcludeTag[8], FluidSurfaceShootStrengthMod, ForcedVisibilityZoneTag, ForceNoise, ForceRadius, ForceScale, ForceType, Group, HardRelMatrix, HighDetailOverlay, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, JoinedTag, KParams, KStepTag, LastRenderTime, LatentFloat, Leaves, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightRenderData, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, MaxLights, Mesh, MeshInstance, MessageClass, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OctreeBox, OctreeBoxCenter, OctreeBoxRadii, OctreeNodes, OverlayMaterial, OverlayTimer, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, Projectors, Region, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, RenderRevision, RepSkin, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, Skins, SoundOcclusion, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, StaticFilterState, StaticMesh, StaticMeshInstance, StaticMeshProjectors, StaticSectionBatches, Style, SurfaceType, Tag, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching, TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, UV2Mode, UV2Texture, Velocity, XLevel

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
EDoubleClickDir, EDrawType, EFilterState, EFlagState, EForceType, eKillZType, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundOcclusion, ESoundSlot, ESurfaceTypes, ETravelType, EUV2Mode

Structures Summary
User, PRI
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
ActorRenderDataPtr, AnimRep, BatchReference, FireProperties, KRBVec, KRigidBodyState, KSimParams, LightRenderDataPtr, PointRegion, ProjectorRenderInfoPtr, StaticMeshProjectorRenderInfoPtr

Functions Summary
function AdminEntered (PlayerController P, string Username))
function AdminExited (PlayerController P ))
functionbool AdminLogin (PlayerController P, string Username, string Password))
functionbool AdminLogout (PlayerController P ))
functionbool AllowPriv (string priv))
functionbool BanPlayer (PlayerController C, optional bool bSession))
functionbool CanPerform (PlayerController P, string Action))
functionint CheckID (string CDHash))
functionint CheckIPPolicy (string Address, optional bool bSilent))
functionbool CheckOptionsAdmin (string Options))
function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
functionxAdminUser GetAdmin (PlayerController PC))
functionstring GetAdminName (PlayerController PC))
eventstring GetDescriptionText (string PropName))
functionxAdminUser GetLoggedAdmin (PlayerController P))
functionxAdminUser GetUser (string uname))
function InitPrivs ()
functionbool IsAdmin (PlayerController P))
function Kick (string S ))
function KickBan (string S ))
functionbool KickBanPlayer (PlayerController P))
functionbool KickPlayer (PlayerController C))
event PreBeginPlay ()))
event PreLogin (string Options, string Address, string PlayerID, out string Error, out string FailCode, bool bSpectator ))
functionbool RequiresPassword ()))
function SaveAdmins ()))
function SessionKickBan (string S ))
function SetAdminFromURL (string N, string P))
functionbool SetAdminPassword (string P))
function SetGamePassword (string P))
functionbool ValidLogin (string UserName, string Password))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Info
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AllowClassRemoval, FillPlayInfo, GetDescriptionText, GetSecurityLevel
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
*, +, -, AddToPackageMap, AdjustVolume, AllActors, AllowMusicPlayback, AnimBlendParams, AnimBlendToAlpha, AnimEnd, AnimIsInGroup, AnimStopLooping, Attach, AttachToBone, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BlocksShotAt, BoneRefresh, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, Bump, CanSplash, ChangeBaseParamsFeedbackEffect, ChangeSpringFeedbackEffect, CheckForErrors, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClearStayingDebugLines, ClientTrigger, Clock, CollidingActors, ConsoleCommand, CopyObjectToClipboard, Crash, CurrentLIPSincAnim, DebugClock, DebugUnclock, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachFromBone, DisplayDebug, DrawDebugCircle, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DrawStayingDebugLine, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EnableChannelNotify, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishedInterpolation, FinishInterpolation, ForceFeedbackSupported, FreezeAnimAt, GainedChild, GetAllInt, GetAllIntDesc, GetAnimParams, GetBoneCoords, GetBoneRotation, GetCacheEntry, GetClosestBone, GetCollisionExtent, GetDebugName, GetHumanReadableName, GetLocalString, GetMapName, GetMeshName, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetNotifyChannel, GetRenderBoundingSphere, GetRootLocation, GetRootLocationDelta, GetRootRotation, GetRootRotationDelta, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, GetUrlOption, HasAnim, HasLIPSincAnim, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, IsAnimating, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsJoinedTo, IsPlayingLIPSincAnim, IsStationary, IsTweening, KAddAngularImpulse, KAddBoneLifter, KAddImpulse, KApplyForce, KDisableCollision, KDrawRigidBodyState, KEnableCollision, KFreezeRagdoll, KGetActorGravScale, KGetCOMOffset, KGetCOMPosition, KGetDampingProps, KGetFriction, KGetImpactThreshold, KGetInertiaTensor, KGetMass, KGetRBQuaternion, KGetRestitution, KGetRigidBodyState, KGetSimParams, KGetSkelMass, KilledBy, KImpact, KIsAwake, KIsRagdollAvailable, KMakeRagdollAvailable, KRBVecFromVector, KRBVecToVector, KRemoveAllBoneLifters, KRemoveLifterFromBone, KScaleJointLimits, KSetActorGravScale, KSetBlockKarma, KSetCOMOffset, KSetDampingProps, KSetFriction, KSetImpactThreshold, KSetInertiaTensor, KSetMass, KSetRestitution, KSetSimParams, KSetSkelVel, KSetStayUpright, KSetStayUprightParams, KSkelConvulse, KUpdateState, KVelDropBelow, KWake, Landed, LinkMesh, LinkSkelAnim, LIPSincAnimEnd, LockRootMotion, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, Move, MoveCacheEntry, MoveSmooth, NearSpot, NotifyLocalPlayerDead, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, OnlyAffectPawns, PauseStream, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PlayAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayFeedbackEffect, PlayLIPSincAnim, PlayMusic, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PlayStream, PlayTeleportEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadSavedGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PostTeleport, PostTouch, POVChanged, PreBeginPlay, PrecacheAnnouncer, PreSaveGame, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RanInto, RecoverFromBadStateCode, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, Reset, ResetStaticFilterState, SeekStream, SelfTriggered, SetAnimFrame, SetBase, SetBoneDirection, SetBoneLocation, SetBoneRotation, SetBoneScale, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDelayedDamageInstigatorController, SetDisplayProperties, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetDrawType, SetGRI, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetOverlayMaterial, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetStaticMesh, SetTimer, ShouldBeHidden, Sleep, Spawn, SpecialHandling, StartInterpolation, StopAllMusic, StopAnimating, StopFeedbackEffect, StopLIPSincAnim, StopMusic, StopStream, SuggestFallVelocity, TakeDamage, TeamLink, TextToSpeech, Tick, Timer, TimerPop, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActor, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceThisActor, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TriggerEvent, TweenAnim, UnClock, UnTouch, UnTrigger, UntriggerEvent, UpdateAnnouncements, UpdatePrecacheMaterials, UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes, UpdateURL, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange

Constants Detail

PROPNUM Source code

const PROPNUM = 4;

Variables Detail

ACDescText[PROPNUM] Source code

var localized string ACDescText[PROPNUM];

ACDisplayText[PROPNUM] Source code

var localized string ACDisplayText[PROPNUM];

AdminClass Source code

var class<AdminBase> AdminClass;

AdminName Source code

var private string AdminName;

AdminPassword Source code

var private globalconfig string AdminPassword;

AllPrivs Source code

var string AllPrivs;

BannedIDs Source code

var globalconfig Array<string> BannedIDs;

bBanByID Source code

var globalconfig bool bBanByID;

bDontAddDefaultAdmin Source code

var bool bDontAddDefaultAdmin;

bReplyToGUI Source code

var bool bReplyToGUI;

DefaultKickReason Source code

var localized string DefaultKickReason;

GamePassword Source code

var private globalconfig string GamePassword;

Groups Source code

var xAdminGroupList Groups;

IdleKickReason Source code

var localized string IdleKickReason;

IPBanned Source code

var localized string IPBanned;

IPPolicies Source code

var globalconfig array<string> IPPolicies;

KickedMsg Source code

var localized string KickedMsg;

LoggedAdmins Source code

var protected array<AdminPlayer> LoggedAdmins;

LoginDelaySeconds Source code

var globalconfig float LoginDelaySeconds;

NeedPassword Source code

var localized string NeedPassword;

PrivClasses Source code

var config array<class<xPrivilegeBase>> PrivClasses;

PrivManagers Source code

var array<xPrivilegeBase> PrivManagers;

SessionBanned Source code

var localized string SessionBanned;

SessionBannedIDs Source code

var transient array<string> SessionBannedIDs;

SessionIPPolicies Source code

var transient Array<string> SessionIPPolicies;

Users Source code

var xAdminUserList Users;

WrongPassword Source code

var localized string WrongPassword;

Structures Detail

AdminPlayer Source code

struct AdminPlayer
var PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
var xAdminUser User;

Functions Detail

AdminEntered Source code

function AdminEntered ( PlayerController P, string Username) )

AdminExited Source code

function AdminExited ( PlayerController P ) )

AdminLogin Source code

function bool AdminLogin ( PlayerController P, string Username, string Password) )

AdminLogout Source code

function bool AdminLogout ( PlayerController P ) )

AllowPriv Source code

function bool AllowPriv ( string priv) )

BanPlayer Source code

function bool BanPlayer ( PlayerController C, optional bool bSession) )

CanPerform Source code

function bool CanPerform ( PlayerController P, string Action) )

CheckID Source code

function int CheckID ( string CDHash) )

CheckIPPolicy Source code

function int CheckIPPolicy ( string Address, optional bool bSilent) )

CheckOptionsAdmin Source code

function bool CheckOptionsAdmin ( string Options) )

FillPlayInfo Source code

static function FillPlayInfo ( PlayInfo PlayInfo) )

GetAdmin Source code

function xAdminUser GetAdmin ( PlayerController PC) )

GetAdminName Source code

function string GetAdminName ( PlayerController PC) )

GetDescriptionText Source code

static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName) )

GetLoggedAdmin Source code

function xAdminUser GetLoggedAdmin ( PlayerController P) )

GetUser Source code

function xAdminUser GetUser ( string uname) )

InitPrivs Source code

function InitPrivs ( )

IsAdmin Source code

function bool IsAdmin ( PlayerController P) )

Kick Source code

function Kick ( string S ) )

KickBan Source code

function KickBan ( string S ) )

KickBanPlayer Source code

function bool KickBanPlayer ( PlayerController P) )

KickPlayer Source code

function bool KickPlayer ( PlayerController C) )

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( ) )

PreLogin Source code

event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, string PlayerID, out string Error, out string FailCode, bool bSpectator ) )

RequiresPassword Source code

function bool RequiresPassword ( ) )

SaveAdmins Source code

function SaveAdmins ( ) )

SessionKickBan Source code

function SessionKickBan ( string S ) )

SetAdminFromURL Source code

function SetAdminFromURL ( string N, string P) )

SetAdminPassword Source code

function bool SetAdminPassword ( string P) )

SetGamePassword Source code

function SetGamePassword ( string P) )

ValidLogin Source code

function bool ValidLogin ( string UserName, string Password) )


	DefaultKickReason="None specified"
	IdleKickReason="Kicked for idling."
	WrongPassword="The password you entered is incorrect."
	NeedPassword="You need to enter a password to join this game."
	IPBanned="Your IP address has been banned on this server."
    SessionBanned="Your IP address has been banned from the current game session."
	KickedMsg="You have been forcibly removed from the game."
	ACDisplayText(0)="Game Password"
	ACDisplayText(1)="Access Policies"
	ACDisplayText(2)="Admin Password"
	ACDisplayText(3)="Login Delay"
	ACDescText(0)="If this password is set, players will have to enter it to join this server."
	ACDescText(1)="Specifies IP addresses or address ranges which have been banned."
	ACDescText(2)="Password required to login with administrator privileges on this server."
	ACDescText(3)="Number of seconds user must wait after an unsuccessful login attempt before able to login again."

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