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+-- XInterface.GUI
   +-- XInterface.GUIComponent
      +-- XInterface.GUIMultiComponent
         +-- XInterface.GUIPage
            +-- XInterface.UT2K4GUIPage
               +-- GUI2K4.PopupPageBase
                  +-- GUI2K4.FloatingWindow
                     +-- GUI2K4.LargeWindow
                        +-- GUI2K4.UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
                           +-- Jailbreak.JBGUICustomHUDMenu

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from GUI2K4.UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
b_Cancel, b_OK, b_Reset, GameClass

Functions Summary
event Closed (GUIComponent GUIComponentSender, bool bCancelled))
functionbool GetEnableScreens ()))
functionbool GetQueueAnnouncements ()))
functionbool GetReverseSwitchColors ()))
functionbool InitializeGameClass (string GameClassName))
function LoadSettings ()))
function LoadVoicePacks ()))
function RestoreDefaults ()))
function SaveSettings ()))
function SetEnableScreens (bool bEnableScreens))
function SetQueueAnnouncements (bool bQueueAnnouncements))
function SetReverseSwitchColors (bool bReverseSwitchColors))
function TestVoicePack ()))
functionbool TestVoicePackClick (GUIComponent GUIComponentSender))
function VoicePackChange (GUIComponent GUIComponentSender))
Inherited Functions from GUI2K4.UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
Closed, HandleParameters, InitializeGameClass, InternalOnChange, InternalOnClick, LoadSettings, RestoreDefaults, SaveSettings

Variables Detail

b_TestVoicePack Source code

var automated GUIButton b_TestVoicePack;

ch_EnableScreens Source code

var automated moCheckbox ch_EnableScreens;

ch_QueueAnnouncements Source code

var automated moCheckbox ch_QueueAnnouncements;

ch_ReverseSwitchColors Source code

var automated moCheckbox ch_ReverseSwitchColors;

co_VoicePack Source code

var automated moCombobox co_VoicePack;

NoVoicepackInstalled Source code

var localized string NoVoicepackInstalled;

VoicePackPrev Source code

var private string VoicePackPrev;

Functions Detail

Closed Source code

event Closed ( GUIComponent GUIComponentSender, bool bCancelled) )

GetEnableScreens Source code

function bool GetEnableScreens ( ) )

GetQueueAnnouncements Source code

function bool GetQueueAnnouncements ( ) )

GetReverseSwitchColors Source code

function bool GetReverseSwitchColors ( ) )

InitializeGameClass Source code

function bool InitializeGameClass ( string GameClassName) )

LoadSettings Source code

function LoadSettings ( ) )

LoadVoicePacks Source code

function LoadVoicePacks ( ) )

RestoreDefaults Source code

function RestoreDefaults ( ) )

SaveSettings Source code

function SaveSettings ( ) )

SetEnableScreens Source code

function SetEnableScreens ( bool bEnableScreens) )

SetQueueAnnouncements Source code

function SetQueueAnnouncements ( bool bQueueAnnouncements) )

SetReverseSwitchColors Source code

function SetReverseSwitchColors ( bool bReverseSwitchColors) )

TestVoicePack Source code

function TestVoicePack ( ) )

TestVoicePackClick Source code

function bool TestVoicePackClick ( GUIComponent GUIComponentSender) )

VoicePackChange Source code

function VoicePackChange ( GUIComponent GUIComponentSender) )


  WindowName = "Jailbreak Client Options";
  WinTop     = 0.30;
  WinLeft    = 0.20;
  WinWidth   = 0.60;
  WinHeight  = 0.40;

  NoVoicepackInstalled = "(no voice packs installed)";

  Begin Object class=moComboBox Name=VoicePack
    Caption                = "Voice Pack";
    CaptionWidth           = 0.35;
    bReadOnly              = True;
    WinTop                 = 0.35;
    WinLeft                = 0.24;
    WinWidth               = 0.43;
    TabOrder               = 1;
    Hint = "The voice pack to use in Jailbreak.";
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=TestVoicePackButton
    Caption                = "Test";
    WinTop                 = 0.345;
    WinLeft                = 0.68;
    WinWidth               = 0.08;
    WinHeight              = 0.04;
    TabOrder               = 2;
    OnClick                = TestVoicePackClick;
    Hint = "Click to play a random test sample from the selected voice pack.";
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=EnableScreens
    Caption                = "Enable Dynamic Screen Textures";
    CaptionWidth           = 0.10;
    ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
    WinTop                 = 0.40;
    WinLeft                = 0.24;
    WinWidth               = 0.52;
    TabOrder               = 3;
    Hint = "Whether you want to see the dynamic screens placed in some Jailbreak maps. Disabling this setting may increase your framerate."
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=ReverseSwitchColors
    Caption                = "Reverse Switch Colors";
    CaptionWidth           = 0.10;
    ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
    WinTop                 = 0.45;
    WinLeft                = 0.24;
    WinWidth               = 0.52;
    TabOrder               = 4;
    Hint = "Whether you want to reverse release switch colors so that the switch attacked by the red team is blue, and vice-versa."
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=QueueAnnouncements
    Caption                = "Queue Announcements";
    CaptionWidth           = 0.10;
    ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
    WinTop                 = 0.50;
    WinLeft                = 0.24;
    WinWidth               = 0.52;
    TabOrder               = 5;
    Hint = "Whether you want Jailbreak announcements to be queued. Otherwise multiple announcements may overlap each other."
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=ResetButton
    Caption                = "Defaults";
    WinTop                 = 0.60;
    WinLeft                = 0.24;
    WinWidth               = 0.12;
    WinHeight              = 0.04;
    TabOrder               = 6;
    OnClick                = InternalOnClick;
    Hint = "Restore all settings to their default value.";
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=CancelButton
    Caption                = "Cancel";
    WinTop                 = 0.60;
    WinLeft                = 0.50;
    WinWidth               = 0.12;
    WinHeight              = 0.04;
    TabOrder               = 7;
    OnClick                = InternalOnClick;
    Hint = "Click to close this menu, discarding changes.";
  End Object

  Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=OkButton
    Caption                = "OK";
    WinTop                 = 0.60;
    WinLeft                = 0.64;
    WinWidth               = 0.12;
    WinHeight              = 0.04;
    TabOrder               = 8;
    OnClick                = InternalOnClick;
    Hint = "Click to close this menu, saving changes.";
  End Object

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Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:10.970 - Created with UnCodeX