- Extends
- UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
+-- XInterface.GUI
+-- XInterface.GUIComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIMultiComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIPage
+-- XInterface.UT2K4GUIPage
+-- GUI2K4.PopupPageBase
+-- GUI2K4.FloatingWindow
+-- GUI2K4.LargeWindow
+-- GUI2K4.UT2K4CustomHUDMenu
+-- Jailbreak.JBGUICustomHUDMenu
ch_ReverseSwitchColors Source code
var localized string NoVoicepackInstalled;
var private string VoicePackPrev;
event Closed (
GUIComponent GUIComponentSender,
bool bCancelled) )
function bool GetEnableScreens ( ) )
function bool GetQueueAnnouncements ( ) )
GetReverseSwitchColors Source code
function bool GetReverseSwitchColors ( ) )
function bool InitializeGameClass ( string GameClassName) )
function LoadSettings ( ) )
function LoadVoicePacks ( ) )
function RestoreDefaults ( ) )
function SaveSettings ( ) )
function SetEnableScreens ( bool bEnableScreens) )
function SetQueueAnnouncements ( bool bQueueAnnouncements) )
SetReverseSwitchColors Source code
function SetReverseSwitchColors ( bool bReverseSwitchColors) )
function TestVoicePack ( ) )
bool TestVoicePackClick (
GUIComponent GUIComponentSender) )
function VoicePackChange (
GUIComponent GUIComponentSender) )
WindowName = "Jailbreak Client Options";
WinTop = 0.30;
WinLeft = 0.20;
WinWidth = 0.60;
WinHeight = 0.40;
NoVoicepackInstalled = "(no voice packs installed)";
Begin Object class=moComboBox Name=VoicePack
Caption = "Voice Pack";
CaptionWidth = 0.35;
bReadOnly = True;
WinTop = 0.35;
WinLeft = 0.24;
WinWidth = 0.43;
TabOrder = 1;
Hint = "The voice pack to use in Jailbreak.";
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=TestVoicePackButton
Caption = "Test";
WinTop = 0.345;
WinLeft = 0.68;
WinWidth = 0.08;
WinHeight = 0.04;
TabOrder = 2;
OnClick = TestVoicePackClick;
Hint = "Click to play a random test sample from the selected voice pack.";
End Object
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=EnableScreens
Caption = "Enable Dynamic Screen Textures";
CaptionWidth = 0.10;
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
WinTop = 0.40;
WinLeft = 0.24;
WinWidth = 0.52;
TabOrder = 3;
Hint = "Whether you want to see the dynamic screens placed in some Jailbreak maps. Disabling this setting may increase your framerate."
End Object
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=ReverseSwitchColors
Caption = "Reverse Switch Colors";
CaptionWidth = 0.10;
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
WinTop = 0.45;
WinLeft = 0.24;
WinWidth = 0.52;
TabOrder = 4;
Hint = "Whether you want to reverse release switch colors so that the switch attacked by the red team is blue, and vice-versa."
End Object
Begin Object Class=moCheckBox Name=QueueAnnouncements
Caption = "Queue Announcements";
CaptionWidth = 0.10;
ComponentJustification = TXTA_Center;
WinTop = 0.50;
WinLeft = 0.24;
WinWidth = 0.52;
TabOrder = 5;
Hint = "Whether you want Jailbreak announcements to be queued. Otherwise multiple announcements may overlap each other."
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=ResetButton
Caption = "Defaults";
WinTop = 0.60;
WinLeft = 0.24;
WinWidth = 0.12;
WinHeight = 0.04;
TabOrder = 6;
OnClick = InternalOnClick;
Hint = "Restore all settings to their default value.";
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=CancelButton
Caption = "Cancel";
WinTop = 0.60;
WinLeft = 0.50;
WinWidth = 0.12;
WinHeight = 0.04;
TabOrder = 7;
OnClick = InternalOnClick;
Hint = "Click to close this menu, discarding changes.";
End Object
Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=OkButton
Caption = "OK";
WinTop = 0.60;
WinLeft = 0.64;
WinWidth = 0.12;
WinHeight = 0.04;
TabOrder = 8;
OnClick = InternalOnClick;
Hint = "Click to close this menu, saving changes.";
End Object
Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:10.970 - Created with