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FirebugTank Creation date: 2012-10-11 19:06 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2012, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle
         +-- Engine.SVehicle
            +-- Onslaught.ONSVehicle
               +-- Onslaught.ONSHoverCraft
                  +-- WVHoverTankV3.HoverTank
                     +-- WVHoverTankV3.FirebugTank

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from WVHoverTankV3.HoverTank
AccumulatedWaterDamage, bOnGround, bTurnedOff, Build, bWasInWater, CrouchedHoverPenScale, DrivenBuoyancy, DustEmitterClass, EnginePitchRange, HiddenBones, HoverDust, HoverDustLastNormal, HoverDustOffset, HoverDustTraceDistance, MaxAirSpeed, MaxGroundSpeed, MinVehicleDistance, RaisedHoverCheckDist, ResetDelay, SmoothSoundPitch, Socket, StartupSoundAlpha, ThrusterBones, TurretSocketClass, UndrivenBuoyancy
Inherited Variables from Onslaught.ONSHoverCraft
bHeadingInitialized, bNewHoverState, ChassisState, HoverCheckDist, HoverMPH, HoverPenScale, HoverSoftness, HoverState, LatDamping, LongDamping, MaxRandForce, MaxRiseForce, MaxStrafeForce, MaxThrustForce, MaxYawRate, OldDriver, OldHoverState, OutputStrafe, OutputThrust, PitchDamping, PitchTorqueFactor, PitchTorqueMax, RandForceInterval, RollDamping, RollTorqueMax, RollTorqueStrafeFactor, RollTorqueTurnFactor, StopThreshold, TargetHeading, TargetPitch, ThrusterOffsets, TurnDamping, TurnTorqueFactor, TurnTorqueMax, UpDamping, UprightDamping, UprightStiffness

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Onslaught.ONSHoverCraft

Functions Summary
functionfloat ChargeBar ()))
function CheckJump ()))
event ClientVehicleExplosion (bool bFinal))
functionbool Dodge (eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove))
event DrivingStatusChanged ()))
functionbool ImportantVehicle ()))
function KApplyForce (out vector Force, out vector Torque))
function ShouldTargetMissile (Projectile P))
function SpawnJumpEffect ()))
function StaticPrecache (LevelInfo L))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function UpdatePrecacheMaterials ()))
Inherited Functions from WVHoverTankV3.HoverTank
ChooseFireAt, ClientKDriverEnter, DestroyAppearance, Destroyed, Dodge, DriverLeft, DrivingStatusChanged, FindEntryVehicle, GetDebugName, ImportantVehicle, KDriverEnter, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, StaticPrecache, TakeDamage, TakeWaterDamage, TeamChanged, Tick, Timer, TooCloseToAttack, TurnOff, UpdatePrecacheMaterials, UpdateVehicle
Inherited Functions from Onslaught.ONSHoverCraft
Died, KUpdateState, PostNetBeginPlay, SpecialCalcFirstPersonView, SVehicleUpdateParams

Variables Detail

bDoFlameJump Source code

var bool bDoFlameJump;

bHasJumped Source code

var bool bHasJumped;

bOldDoFlameJump Source code

var bool bOldDoFlameJump;

JumpCountdown Source code

var float JumpCountdown;

JumpDir Source code

var vector JumpDir;

LastFlameProjectileOffset Source code

var byte LastFlameProjectileOffset;

LastJumpTime Source code

var float LastJumpTime;


FlameJumpProjectileClass Source code

var(FirebugTank) class<Projectile> FlameJumpProjectileClass;

FlamerForceMag Source code

var(FirebugTank) float FlamerForceMag;

JumpDelay Source code

var(FirebugTank) float JumpDelay;

JumpDuration Source code

var(FirebugTank) float JumpDuration;

JumpForce Source code

var(FirebugTank) string JumpForce;

JumpForceMag Source code

var(FirebugTank) float JumpForceMag;

JumpSound Source code

var(FirebugTank) Sound JumpSound;

JumpTorqueMag Source code

var(FirebugTank) float JumpTorqueMag;

Functions Detail

ChargeBar Source code

simulated function float ChargeBar ( ) )

CheckJump Source code

simulated function CheckJump ( ) )

ClientVehicleExplosion Source code

simulated event ClientVehicleExplosion ( bool bFinal) )

Dodge Source code

function bool Dodge ( eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove) )

DrivingStatusChanged Source code

simulated event DrivingStatusChanged ( ) )

ImportantVehicle Source code

function bool ImportantVehicle ( ) )

KApplyForce Source code

simulated function KApplyForce ( out vector Force, out vector Torque) )

ShouldTargetMissile Source code

function ShouldTargetMissile ( Projectile P) )

SpawnJumpEffect Source code

simulated function SpawnJumpEffect ( ) )

StaticPrecache Source code

static function StaticPrecache ( LevelInfo L) )

Tick Source code

simulated function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

UpdatePrecacheMaterials Source code

simulated function UpdatePrecacheMaterials ( ) )


	VehiclePositionString = "in a Firebug"
	VehicleNameString     = "Firebug"
	VehicleDescription    = "The Firebug is a small and agile hover tank that can quickly turn enemies into a smoking pile of ashes with its twin flamethrowers."

	FPCamPos         = (X=-50,Y=0,Z=150)
	FPCamViewOffset  = (X=-30,Y=0,Z=0)
	TPCamLookat      = (X=-50,Y=0,Z=100)
	TPCamWorldOffset = (X=0,Y=0,Z=150)
	TPCamDistance    = 375
	bShowChargingBar = True
	bCanCarryFlag = False 

	CollisionRadius  = 180.0
	CollisionHeight  =  45.0

	ThrusterOffsets(0)  = (X=135,Y=90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(1)  = (X=135,Y=0,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(2)  = (X=135,Y=-90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(3)  = (X=45,Y=90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(4)  = (X=45,Y=0,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(5)  = (X=45,Y=-90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(6)  = (X=-45,Y=90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(7)  = (X=-45,Y=0,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(8)  = (X=-45,Y=-90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(9)  = (X=-135,Y=90,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(10) = (X=-135,Y=0,Z=30)
	ThrusterOffsets(11) = (X=-135,Y=-90,Z=30)

	DustEmitterClass = class'FirebugDustEmitter'
	HoverDustOffset(0) = (X=112,Y=-78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(1) = (X=56,Y=-78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(2) = (X=-4,Y=-78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(3) = (X=-56,Y=-78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(4) = (X=-105,Y=-78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(5) = (X=112,Y=78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(6) = (X=56,Y=78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(7) = (X=-4,Y=78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(8) = (X=-56,Y=78,Z=10)
	HoverDustOffset(9) = (X=-105,Y=78,Z=10)

	DriverWeapons[0]  = (WeaponClass=Class'FirebugFlameTurret',WeaponBone=MainCannonAttach)
	TurretSocketClass = class'FirebugTurretSocket'

	ExitPositions(0) = (X=0,Y=-160,Z=80)
	ExitPositions(1) = (X=0,Y=160,Z=80)

	EntryPosition = (X=0,Y=0,Z=0)
	EntryRadius   = 250.0

	RedSkin  = Shader'FirebugShaderRed'
	BlueSkin = Shader'FirebugShaderBlue'
	Mesh     = Mesh'FirebugTankMesh'

	JumpDuration = 0.5
	JumpForceMag = 400.0
	JumpTorqueMag = 500.0
	JumpSound    = Sound'FlameJumpSound'
	JumpForce    = "HoverBikeJump"
	JumpDelay    = 2.5

	FlamerForceMag = 60.0
	LastFlameProjectileOffset = -1
	FlameJumpProjectileClass  = class'FlameJumpProjectile'

	HoverPenScale         = 2.8
	CrouchedHoverPenScale = 1.0
	HoverCheckDist        = 130
	RaisedHoverCheckDist  = 130

	MaxGroundSpeed = 1500.0
	MaxThrustForce =  250.0
	MaxStrafeForce =  250.0
	AirControl     =    0.3

	SoundPitch       = 70
	EnginePitchRange = 35

	Health       = 600
	HealthMax    = 600
	bJumpCapable = True
	bCanJump     = True
	VehicleMass  = 8.0
	bHasAltFire  = False
	RanOverDamageType = class'DamTypeFirebugRoadkill'
	CrushedDamageType = class'DamTypeFirebugPancake'

	ExplosionDamage = 250.0
	ExplosionRadius = 800.0
	ExplosionMomentum = 100000.0
	ExplosionDamageType = class'DamTypeFirebugExplosion'
	DisintegrationEffectClass = class'FirebugExplosionEffect'

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