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NephthysLightningTurretBolt Creation date: 2013-02-10 13:18 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2013, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.xEmitter
      +-- XWeapons.NewLightningBolt
         +-- WVHoverTankV3.NephthysLightningTurretBolt

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.xEmitter
bCallPreSpawn, bForceAffected, blockOnNet, bSuspendWhenNotVisible, Expire, mAirResistance, mAtLeastOneFrame, mAttenFunc, mAttenKa, mAttenKb, mAttenuate, mAttraction, mBendStrength, mBounds, mbSpinningNodes, mChildEmitter, mChildName, mColElasticity, mCollision, mColMakeSound, mColorRange[2], mDelayRange[2], mDir, mDirDev, mDistanceAtten, mGrowthRate, mHeadIndex, mInvTileCols, mLastPos, mLastVector, mLifeColorMap, mLifeRange[2], mMassRange[2], mMaxParticles, mMeshNodes[8], mNumActivePcl, mNumSprings, mNumTileColumns, mNumTileRows, mNumUpdates, mOwnerVelocityFactor, mParticleType, mpAttenFunc, mPauseTimer, mpIterator, mPosColorMapXY, mPosColorMapXZ, mPosDev, mPosRelative, mpParticles, mpSprings, mRandMeshes, mRandOrient, mRandTextures, mRegen, mRegenBias, mRegenDist, mRegenOffTime[2], mRegenOnTime[2], mRegenPause, mRegenRange[2], mRegenTimer, mRenderableVerts, mSizeRange[2], mSourceActor, mSpawningType, mSpawnVecA, mSpawnVecB, mSpeedRange[2], mSphere, mSpinRange[2], mStartParticles, mT, mTexU, mTexV, mTileAnimation, mTime, mTotalTiles, mUseMeshNodes, mWaveAmplitude, mWaveFrequency, mWaveLockEnd, mWavePhaseA, mWavePhaseB, mWaveShift, SourceStaticMesh, springD, springK, springMaxCompress, springMaxStretch, SystemHandle

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.xEmitter
EAttenFunc, ExParticleTypes, ExSpawningTypes

Functions Summary
Inherited Functions from XWeapons.NewLightningBolt
PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay
Inherited Functions from Engine.xEmitter
ClampToMaxParticles, CollisionSound, PrecacheContent, PreSpawned, Trigger, UpdatePrecacheMaterials


	LifeSpan      =  1.0
	mLifeRange(0) =  0.5
	mLifeRange(1) =  0.5
	mSizeRange(0) = 60.0
	mSizeRange(1) = 60.0

	TransientSoundVolume =    1.0
	TransientSoundRadius = 1000.0

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