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PoltergeistHeatRayEffect Creation date: 2011-08-04 16:49 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.xEmitter
      +-- XWeapons.LinkBeamEffect
         +-- WVHoverTankV3.PoltergeistHeatRayEffect

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from XWeapons.LinkBeamEffect

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from XWeapons.LinkBeamEffect
bHitSomething, bLockedOn, Child[MAX_CHILDREN], EffectOffset, EndEffect, LinkColor, LinkedPawn, Links, MuzFlash, NumChildren, OldLinkColor, OldLinks, OldMuzFlash, PrevLoc, PrevRot, ProtSphere, scorchtime, Sparks, StartEffect
Inherited Variables from Engine.xEmitter
bCallPreSpawn, bForceAffected, blockOnNet, bSuspendWhenNotVisible, Expire, mAirResistance, mAtLeastOneFrame, mAttenFunc, mAttenKa, mAttenKb, mAttenuate, mAttraction, mBendStrength, mBounds, mbSpinningNodes, mChildEmitter, mChildName, mColElasticity, mCollision, mColMakeSound, mColorRange[2], mDelayRange[2], mDir, mDirDev, mDistanceAtten, mGrowthRate, mHeadIndex, mInvTileCols, mLastPos, mLastVector, mLifeColorMap, mLifeRange[2], mMassRange[2], mMaxParticles, mMeshNodes[8], mNumActivePcl, mNumSprings, mNumTileColumns, mNumTileRows, mNumUpdates, mOwnerVelocityFactor, mParticleType, mpAttenFunc, mPauseTimer, mpIterator, mPosColorMapXY, mPosColorMapXZ, mPosDev, mPosRelative, mpParticles, mpSprings, mRandMeshes, mRandOrient, mRandTextures, mRegen, mRegenBias, mRegenDist, mRegenOffTime[2], mRegenOnTime[2], mRegenPause, mRegenRange[2], mRegenTimer, mRenderableVerts, mSizeRange[2], mSourceActor, mSpawningType, mSpawnVecA, mSpawnVecB, mSpeedRange[2], mSphere, mSpinRange[2], mStartParticles, mT, mTexU, mTexV, mTileAnimation, mTime, mTotalTiles, mUseMeshNodes, mWaveAmplitude, mWaveFrequency, mWaveLockEnd, mWavePhaseA, mWavePhaseB, mWaveShift, SourceStaticMesh, springD, springK, springMaxCompress, springMaxStretch, SystemHandle

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.xEmitter
EAttenFunc, ExParticleTypes, ExSpawningTypes

Functions Summary
functionbool CheckMaxEffectDistance (PlayerController P, vector SpawnLocation))
function Destroyed ()))
functionVector SetBeamRotation ()))
function Tick (float dt))
Inherited Functions from XWeapons.LinkBeamEffect
CheckMaxEffectDistance, Destroyed, SetBeamLocation, SetBeamRotation, Tick
Inherited Functions from Engine.xEmitter
ClampToMaxParticles, CollisionSound, PrecacheContent, PreSpawned, Trigger, UpdatePrecacheMaterials

Variables Detail

EndFlash Source code

var PoltergeistHeatRayEndEffect EndFlash;

LastScorchLocation Source code

var vector LastScorchLocation;

Functions Detail

CheckMaxEffectDistance Source code

simulated function bool CheckMaxEffectDistance ( PlayerController P, vector SpawnLocation) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated function Destroyed ( ) )

SetBeamRotation Source code

simulated function Vector SetBeamRotation ( ) )

Tick Source code

simulated function Tick ( float dt) )


	bUpdateSimulatedPosition = True
	NetPriority = 3.0

	LightHue = 40
	LightBrightness = 240
	LightRadius = 10
	Links = 5

	Skins[0] = FinalBlend'XEffectMat.LinkBeamYellowFB'
	mWaveLockEnd = False
	mSizeRange[0] = 35.0
	mWaveShift = 250000.0

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