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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Projectile
      +-- WVPersesMAS.PersesProjectileBase
         +-- WVPersesMAS.PersesMercuryMissile

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from WVPersesMAS.PersesProjectileBase
AccelRate, bAmped, bAttachExplosionToPawns, bAttachExplosionToVehicles, bAutoInit, bBlockedByInstigator, bBroadcastedExplosionEffect, bCanBeShotDown, bShuttingDown, bWaitForEffects, ExplosionParticleSystem, ExplosionParticleSystemBlue, ExplosionSound, FlightParticleSystem, FlightParticleSystemBlue, InstigatorBaseVehicle, PrevTouched, PrevTouchLocation, ProjectileName, ProjEffects, SplashDamageType, SplashMomentum, SubmunitionCount, SubmunitionTargetRange, SubmunitionType, Team, TouchLocation, TouchNormal, TransferDamageAmount, WallLocation, WallNormal
Inherited Variables from Engine.Projectile
bNoFX, bReadyToSplash, bScriptPostRender, bSpecialCalcView, bSwitchToZeroCollision, Damage, DamageRadius, ExplosionDecal, ExploWallOut, HurtWall, ImpactSound, InstigatorController, LastTouched, MaxEffectDistance, MaxSpeed, MomentumTransfer, MyDamageType, SpawnSound, Speed, TossZ, ZeroCollider

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from WVPersesMAS.PersesProjectileBase
TExplosionEffectInfo, TVictimInfo

Functions Summary
functionclass<PersesMercuryExplosionGetExplosionClass (Actor HitActor, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function Penetrate (Actor Other, vector HitLocation))
function PlayBroadcastedSound (Actor SoundOwner, Sound Sound))
function ProcessContact (Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
functionbool ShouldPenetrate (Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function SpawnPenetrationEffects (Actor Other, vector HitLocation))
event Tick (float DeltaTime))
Inherited Functions from WVPersesMAS.PersesProjectileBase
BlowUp, ClientSideTouch, Destroyed, Explode, FellOutOfWorld, GetCheckDir, GetRange, HideProjectile, HitWall, Init, IsEffectRelevant, IsValidTarget, PickTarget, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, ProcessContact, ProcessTouch, ProjectileHurtRadius, RateTargetLocation, RoundVector, SetInitialState, SetTeam, Shutdown, SpawnExplosionEffects, SpawnFlightEffects, TakeDamage, Tick, Timer, TornOff, Touch, UnTouch
Inherited Functions from Engine.Projectile
BlowUp, CanSplash, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ClientSideTouch, DelayedHurtRadius, EncroachingOn, Explode, GetRange, HitWall, HurtRadius, IsStationary, PostBeginPlay, PostRender2D, ProcessTouch, RandSpin, Reset, SpecialCalcView, Touch

States Summary
Flying Source code
auto simulated state Flying
/** Adjust ambient sound to fake doppler effect. */

Variables Detail

DopplerBaseSpeed Source code

var float DopplerBaseSpeed;

DopplerStrength Source code

var float DopplerStrength;

ExplodeOnPlayerSound Source code

var Sound ExplodeOnPlayerSound;

ImpactDamageAmount Source code

var float ImpactDamageAmount;

PunchThroughDamage Source code

var class<DamageType> PunchThroughDamage;

PunchThroughSpeed Source code

var float PunchThroughSpeed;

PunchThroughVelocityLossPercent Source code

var float PunchThroughVelocityLossPercent;

Functions Detail

GetExplosionClass Source code

simulated function class<PersesMercuryExplosion> GetExplosionClass ( Actor HitActor, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )
Return an explosion effect class with dirt or snow particles if a corresponding surface was hit. Non-simulated so effect is only spawned on server.

Penetrate Source code

simulated function Penetrate ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation) )

PlayBroadcastedSound Source code

function PlayBroadcastedSound ( Actor SoundOwner, Sound Sound) )
Called from simulated functions to trick PlaySound() into broadcasting the sound instead of playing it locally.

ProcessContact Source code

simulated function ProcessContact ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

ShouldPenetrate Source code

simulated function bool ShouldPenetrate ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )
Returns how a contact with another object affects this projectile's movement.

SpawnPenetrationEffects Source code

simulated function SpawnPenetrationEffects ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation) )
Play penetration sound and spawn a lot of blood after penetrating an unprotected player.

Tick Flying Source code

simulated event Tick ( float DeltaTime) )


	ProjectileName = "Mercury Missile"
	bAutoInit = True
	ForceType         = FT_Constant
	ForceRadius       =   100.0
	ForceScale        =     5.0
	Mass              =     3.0
	LifeSpan          =     6.0
	Speed             =  8000.0
	MaxSpeed          = 30000.0
	AccelRate         = 12000.0
	PunchThroughSpeed = 10000.0
	PunchThroughVelocityLossPercent = 0.4

	ImpactSound          = Sound'MercPunchThrough'
	ExplodeOnPlayerSound = Sound'MercHitArmor'

	DopplerBaseSpeed = 3000.0
	DopplerStrength  = 1.5

	TransientSoundRadius = 500.0
	TransientSoundVolume =   1.0

	Damage               =    30.0
	DamageRadius         =   150.0
	SplashMomentum       = 10000.0
	ImpactDamageAmount   =    50.0
	TransferDamageAmount =     0.003
	MomentumTransfer     =     4.0
	ExplosionDecal       = Class'PersesMercuryImpactMark'

	SplashDamageType = Class'DamTypePersesMercurySplashDamage'
	MyDamageType = Class'DamTypePersesMercuryDirectHit'
	PunchThroughDamage = Class'DamTypePersesMercuryPunchThrough'

	LightType       = LT_Steady
	LightEffect     = LE_QuadraticNonIncidence
	LightBrightness = 255.0
	LightRadius     =   5.0
	LightHue        =  20
	bDynamicLight   = True
	FlightParticleSystem = class'PersesMercuryMissileFlightEffects'
	FlightParticleSystemBlue = class'PersesMercuryMissileFlightEffectsBlue'

	bReplicateInstigator = True

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