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WVPersesMAS.PersesRocketBase Creation date: 2013-12-12 12:42 Last change: $Id$ Copyright (c) 2013, Wormbo

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Projectile
      +-- WVPersesMAS.PersesProjectileBase

Direct Known Subclasses:

PersesFragChunk, PersesFragMissile, PersesHomingMissile, PersesMercuryMissile, PersesNapalmRocket

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Projectile
bNoFX, bReadyToSplash, bScriptPostRender, bSpecialCalcView, bSwitchToZeroCollision, Damage, DamageRadius, ExplosionDecal, ExploWallOut, HurtWall, ImpactSound, InstigatorController, LastTouched, MaxEffectDistance, MaxSpeed, MomentumTransfer, MyDamageType, SpawnSound, Speed, TossZ, ZeroCollider
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AccumKarmaAngleError, ActorRenderData, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AntiPortal, Attached, AttachmentBone, AttachTag, bAcceptsProjectors, bActorShadows, bAlreadyPrecachedMaterials, bAlreadyPrecachedMeshes, bAlwaysFaceCamera, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAlwaysZeroBoneOffset, bAnimByOwner, Base, bAttenByLife, bAutoAlignToTerrain, bBadStateCode, bBlockActors, bBlockKarma, bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces, bBlockPlayers, bBlockProjectiles, bBlocksTeleport, bBlockZeroExtentTraces, bBounce, bCanBeDamaged, bCanTeleport, bClientAnim, bClientAuthoritative, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bClientTrigger, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCompressedPosition, bCorona, bDeferRendering, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyInPainVolume, bDetailAttachment, bDirectional, bDirectionalCorona, bDisableSorting, bDisturbFluidSurface, bDramaticLighting, bDynamicLight, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForceSkelUpdate, bFullVolume, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdGroup, bHighDetail, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreOutOfWorld, bIgnoreTerminalVelocity, bIgnoreVehicles, bInterpolating, bJustTeleported, bLightChanged, bLightingVisibility, bLockLocation, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetNotify, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoRepMesh, bNotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, bNotOnDedServer, bObsolete, bOnlyAffectPawns, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyDrawIfAttached, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bOrientToVelocity, bOwnerNoSee, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bProjTarget, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateAnimations, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bScriptInitialized, bSelected, bShadowCast, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bShouldStopKarma, bShowOctreeNodes, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bSmoothKarmaStateUpdates, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bStaticLighting, bSuperHighDetail, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTraceWater, bTrailerAllowRotation, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bUseCollisionStaticMesh, bUseCylinderCollision, bUseDynamicLights, bUseLightingFromBase, bWasSNFiltered, bWorldGeometry, CachedLocalToWorld, CachedLocation, CachedRotation, ClientOverlayCounter, ClientOverlayTimer, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, CullDistance, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, DrawType, Event, ExcludeTag[8], FluidSurfaceShootStrengthMod, ForcedVisibilityZoneTag, ForceNoise, ForceRadius, ForceScale, ForceType, Group, HardRelMatrix, HighDetailOverlay, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, JoinedTag, KParams, KStepTag, LastRenderTime, LatentFloat, Leaves, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightRenderData, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, MaxLights, Mesh, MeshInstance, MessageClass, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OctreeBox, OctreeBoxCenter, OctreeBoxRadii, OctreeNodes, OverlayMaterial, OverlayTimer, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, Projectors, Region, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, RenderRevision, RepSkin, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, Skins, SoundOcclusion, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, StaticFilterState, StaticMesh, StaticMeshInstance, StaticMeshProjectors, StaticSectionBatches, Style, SurfaceType, Tag, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching, TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, UV2Mode, UV2Texture, Velocity, XLevel

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
EDoubleClickDir, EDrawType, EFilterState, EFlagState, EForceType, eKillZType, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundOcclusion, ESoundSlot, ESurfaceTypes, ETravelType, EUV2Mode

Structures Summary
Other, HitLocation, HitNormal
Actor, HL, HN
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
ActorRenderDataPtr, AnimRep, BatchReference, FireProperties, KRBVec, KRigidBodyState, KSimParams, LightRenderDataPtr, PointRegion, ProjectorRenderInfoPtr, StaticMeshProjectorRenderInfoPtr

Functions Summary
function BlowUp (vector HitLocation))
function ClientSideTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation))
event Destroyed ()))
function Explode (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
event FellOutOfWorld (eKillZType KillType))
functionvector GetCheckDir ()))
functionfloat GetRange ()))
function HideProjectile ()))
function HitWall (vector HitNormal, Actor Wall))
function Init (vector Direction))
functionbool IsEffectRelevant (vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float MaxDistance))
functionbool IsValidTarget (Actor Other))
functionPawn PickTarget (float MinAim, float MaxRange, vector CheckDir, optional out float BestRating))
event PostBeginPlay ()
event PostNetBeginPlay ()))
event PreBeginPlay ()))
function ProcessContact (Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation))
function ProjectileHurtRadius (vector HurtOrigin, vector VDiff, class<DamageType> ImpactedActorDamageType, float ImpactedActorDamageAmount))
functionfloat RateTargetLocation (vector TargetLocation, vector CheckDir, optional out float Dist, optional out float Aim))
functionvector RoundVector (vector V))
event SetInitialState ()))
function SetTeam (byte NewTeam))
function Shutdown ()))
function SpawnExplosionEffects (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function SpawnFlightEffects ()))
function TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn InstigatedBy, vector hitlocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
event TornOff ()))
function Touch (Actor Other))
function UnTouch (Actor Other))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Projectile
BlowUp, CanSplash, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ClientSideTouch, DelayedHurtRadius, EncroachingOn, Explode, GetRange, HitWall, HurtRadius, IsStationary, PostBeginPlay, PostRender2D, ProcessTouch, RandSpin, Reset, SpecialCalcView, Touch
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
*, +, -, AddToPackageMap, AdjustVolume, AllActors, AllowMusicPlayback, AnimBlendParams, AnimBlendToAlpha, AnimEnd, AnimIsInGroup, AnimStopLooping, Attach, AttachToBone, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BlocksShotAt, BoneRefresh, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, Bump, CanSplash, ChangeBaseParamsFeedbackEffect, ChangeSpringFeedbackEffect, CheckForErrors, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClearStayingDebugLines, ClientTrigger, Clock, CollidingActors, ConsoleCommand, CopyObjectToClipboard, Crash, CurrentLIPSincAnim, DebugClock, DebugUnclock, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachFromBone, DisplayDebug, DrawDebugCircle, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DrawStayingDebugLine, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EnableChannelNotify, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishedInterpolation, FinishInterpolation, ForceFeedbackSupported, FreezeAnimAt, GainedChild, GetAllInt, GetAllIntDesc, GetAnimParams, GetBoneCoords, GetBoneRotation, GetCacheEntry, GetClosestBone, GetCollisionExtent, GetDebugName, GetHumanReadableName, GetLocalString, GetMapName, GetMeshName, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetNotifyChannel, GetRenderBoundingSphere, GetRootLocation, GetRootLocationDelta, GetRootRotation, GetRootRotationDelta, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, GetUrlOption, HasAnim, HasLIPSincAnim, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, IsAnimating, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsJoinedTo, IsPlayingLIPSincAnim, IsStationary, IsTweening, KAddAngularImpulse, KAddBoneLifter, KAddImpulse, KApplyForce, KDisableCollision, KDrawRigidBodyState, KEnableCollision, KFreezeRagdoll, KGetActorGravScale, KGetCOMOffset, KGetCOMPosition, KGetDampingProps, KGetFriction, KGetImpactThreshold, KGetInertiaTensor, KGetMass, KGetRBQuaternion, KGetRestitution, KGetRigidBodyState, KGetSimParams, KGetSkelMass, KilledBy, KImpact, KIsAwake, KIsRagdollAvailable, KMakeRagdollAvailable, KRBVecFromVector, KRBVecToVector, KRemoveAllBoneLifters, KRemoveLifterFromBone, KScaleJointLimits, KSetActorGravScale, KSetBlockKarma, KSetCOMOffset, KSetDampingProps, KSetFriction, KSetImpactThreshold, KSetInertiaTensor, KSetMass, KSetRestitution, KSetSimParams, KSetSkelVel, KSetStayUpright, KSetStayUprightParams, KSkelConvulse, KUpdateState, KVelDropBelow, KWake, Landed, LinkMesh, LinkSkelAnim, LIPSincAnimEnd, LockRootMotion, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, Move, MoveCacheEntry, MoveSmooth, NearSpot, NotifyLocalPlayerDead, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, OnlyAffectPawns, PauseStream, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PlayAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayFeedbackEffect, PlayLIPSincAnim, PlayMusic, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PlayStream, PlayTeleportEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadSavedGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PostTeleport, PostTouch, POVChanged, PreBeginPlay, PrecacheAnnouncer, PreSaveGame, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RanInto, RecoverFromBadStateCode, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, Reset, ResetStaticFilterState, SeekStream, SelfTriggered, SetAnimFrame, SetBase, SetBoneDirection, SetBoneLocation, SetBoneRotation, SetBoneScale, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDelayedDamageInstigatorController, SetDisplayProperties, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetDrawType, SetGRI, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetOverlayMaterial, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetStaticMesh, SetTimer, ShouldBeHidden, Sleep, Spawn, SpecialHandling, StartInterpolation, StopAllMusic, StopAnimating, StopFeedbackEffect, StopLIPSincAnim, StopMusic, StopStream, SuggestFallVelocity, TakeDamage, TeamLink, TextToSpeech, Tick, Timer, TimerPop, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActor, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceThisActor, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TriggerEvent, TweenAnim, UnClock, UnTouch, UnTrigger, UntriggerEvent, UpdateAnnouncements, UpdatePrecacheMaterials, UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes, UpdateURL, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange

States Summary
WaitingForVelocity Source code
state WaitingForVelocity

Variables Detail

AccelRate Source code

var float AccelRate;
Acceleration magnitude. By default, acceleration is in the same direction as velocity

bAmped Source code

var bool bAmped;
Spawned while the instigator had UDamage.

bAttachExplosionToPawns Source code

var bool bAttachExplosionToPawns;
If true, attach explosion effect to pawns

bAttachExplosionToVehicles Source code

var bool bAttachExplosionToVehicles;
If true, attach explosion effect to vehicles

bAutoInit Source code

var bool bAutoInit;

bBlockedByInstigator Source code

var bool bBlockedByInstigator;

bBroadcastedExplosionEffect Source code

var bool bBroadcastedExplosionEffect;

bCanBeShotDown Source code

var bool bCanBeShotDown;

bShuttingDown Source code

var bool bShuttingDown;
if true, the shutdown function has been called and 'new' effects shouldn't happen

bWaitForEffects Source code

var bool bWaitForEffects;

ExplosionParticleSystem Source code

var class<Emitter> ExplosionParticleSystem;

ExplosionParticleSystemBlue Source code

var class<Emitter> ExplosionParticleSystemBlue;

ExplosionSound Source code

var Sound ExplosionSound;
The sound that is played when it explodes

FlightParticleSystem Source code

var class<Emitter> FlightParticleSystem;

FlightParticleSystemBlue Source code

var class<Emitter> FlightParticleSystemBlue;

InstigatorBaseVehicle Source code

var Vehicle InstigatorBaseVehicle;
If this projectile is fired by a vehicle passenger gun, this is the base vehicle considered the same as Instigator for purposes of bBlockedByInstigator

PrevTouched Source code

var Actor PrevTouched;

PrevTouchLocation Source code

var vector PrevTouchLocation;

ProjectileName Source code

var localized string ProjectileName;

ProjEffects Source code

var Emitter ProjEffects;

SplashDamageType Source code

var class<DamageType> SplashDamageType;

SplashMomentum Source code

var float SplashMomentum;

SubmunitionCount Source code

var int SubmunitionCount;

SubmunitionTargetRange Source code

var float SubmunitionTargetRange;

SubmunitionType Source code

var class<Projectile> SubmunitionType;

Team Source code

var byte Team;

TouchLocation Source code

var transient vector TouchLocation;

TouchNormal Source code

var transient vector TouchNormal;

TransferDamageAmount Source code

var float TransferDamageAmount;

WallLocation Source code

var transient vector WallLocation;

WallNormal Source code

var transient vector WallNormal;

Structures Detail

TExplosionEffectInfo Source code

struct TExplosionEffectInfo
var vector HitLocation;
var vector HitNormal;
var Actor Other;

TVictimInfo Source code

struct TVictimInfo
var Actor Actor;
var vector HL;
var vector HN;

Functions Detail

BlowUp Source code

simulated function BlowUp ( vector HitLocation) )
Obsolete. Use ProcessContact() and related functions instead.

ClientSideTouch Source code

simulated function ClientSideTouch ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation) )
Obsolete. Use ProcessContact() instead.

Destroyed Source code

simulated event Destroyed ( ) )

Explode Source code

simulated function Explode ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

FellOutOfWorld Source code

simulated event FellOutOfWorld ( eKillZType KillType) )

GetCheckDir Source code

function vector GetCheckDir ( ) )

GetRange Source code

simulated static function float GetRange ( ) )

HideProjectile Source code

simulated function HideProjectile ( ) )

HitWall Source code

simulated singular function HitWall ( vector HitNormal, Actor Wall) )

Init Source code

function Init ( vector Direction) )

IsEffectRelevant Source code

simulated function bool IsEffectRelevant ( vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float MaxDistance) )

IsValidTarget Source code

function bool IsValidTarget ( Actor Other) )

PickTarget Source code

function Pawn PickTarget ( float MinAim, float MaxRange, vector CheckDir, optional out float BestRating) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated event PostBeginPlay ( )

PostNetBeginPlay Source code

simulated event PostNetBeginPlay ( ) )

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( ) )

ProcessContact Source code

simulated function ProcessContact ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

ProcessTouch Source code

simulated function ProcessTouch ( Actor Other, vector HitLocation) )
Obsolete. Use ProcessContact() instead.

ProjectileHurtRadius Source code

simulated function ProjectileHurtRadius ( vector HurtOrigin, vector VDiff, class<DamageType> ImpactedActorDamageType, float ImpactedActorDamageAmount) )
Hurt all actors within the specified radius.

RateTargetLocation Source code

function float RateTargetLocation ( vector TargetLocation, vector CheckDir, optional out float Dist, optional out float Aim) )

RoundVector Source code

static function vector RoundVector ( vector V) )

SetInitialState Source code

simulated event SetInitialState ( ) )

SetTeam Source code

function SetTeam ( byte NewTeam) )

Shutdown Source code

simulated function Shutdown ( ) )

SpawnExplosionEffects Source code

simulated function SpawnExplosionEffects ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

SpawnFlightEffects Source code

simulated function SpawnFlightEffects ( ) )

TakeDamage Source code

function TakeDamage ( int Damage, Pawn InstigatedBy, vector hitlocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType) )

Tick WaitingForVelocity Source code

simulated function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Timer Source code

function Timer ( ) )

TornOff Source code

simulated event TornOff ( ) )

Touch Source code

simulated singular function Touch ( Actor Other) )

UnTouch Source code

function UnTouch ( Actor Other) )


	bCollideWorld = False
	bNetInitialRotation = False 
	bIgnoreVehicles = True 
	DrawType = DT_None 
	bBounce = True
	TransientSoundVolume = 0.75
	NetUpdateFrequency = 5.0
	TossZ = 0.0
	Team = 255

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