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BFRLAmmo Creation date: 2011-02-22 19:24 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Inventory
      +-- Engine.Ammunition
         +-- BFRL10k.BFRLAmmo

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Ammunition
AmmoAmount, bInstantHit, bLeadTarget, bRecommendSplashDamage, bSplashDamage, bTossed, bTryHeadShot, bTrySplash, FireSound, IconFlashMaterial, InitialAmount, MaxAmmo, MaxRange, MyDamageType, PickupAmmo, ProjectileClass, RefireRate, WarnTargetPct
Inherited Variables from Engine.Inventory
AttachmentClass, bDisplayableInv, bDrawingFirstPerson, BobDamping, bTossedOut, Charge, GroupOffset, IconCoords, IconMaterial, InventoryGroup, ItemName, PickupClass, PlayerViewOffset, PlayerViewPivot, ThirdPersonActor

Functions Summary
Inherited Functions from Engine.Ammunition
AddAmmo, CheckOutOfAmmo, DisplayDebug, HandlePickupQuery, HasAmmo, UseAmmo
Inherited Functions from Engine.Inventory
AttachToPawn, Destroyed, DetachFromPawn, DropFrom, GetHumanReadableName, GiveTo, HandlePickupQuery, NextWeapon, OwnerEvent, PickupFunction, PrevWeapon, PrioritizeArmor, RecommendWeapon, RenderOverlays, SelectNext, SetOwnerDisplay, StaticItemName, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, updaterelative, Use, WeaponChange


	Begin Object Class=Combiner Name=BFRLIconPulseCombiner
		CombineOperation = CO_Multiply
		AlphaOperation   = AO_Use_Alpha_From_Material1
		Material1        = BFRLIcons
		Material2        = FadeColor'HUDContent.FadeColors.FastHUDPules' 
	End Object

	Begin Object Class=FinalBlend Name=BFRLIconPulse
		Material            = BFRLIconPulseCombiner
		FallbackMaterial    = BFRLIcons
		FrameBufferBlending = FB_AlphaBlend
	End Object

	ItemName          = "BF10k Rockets"
	MaxAmmo           = 100
	InitialAmount     = 20
	IconMaterial      = Texture'BFRLIcons'
	IconFlashMaterial = FinalBlend'BFRLIconPulse'
	IconCoords        = (X1=85,Y1=5,X2=124,Y2=54)

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Creation time: Sa 23.8.2014 09:18:06.703 - Created with UnCodeX