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PersesArtilleryCameraShell Creation date: 2011-08-22 17:04 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2011, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Projectile
      +-- OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarShell
         +-- OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarCamera
            +-- WVPersesMAS.PersesArtilleryCameraShell

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarCamera
AnnounceTargetTime, bDeployed, bLastDeployed, bLastShotDown, bShotDown, DeployedLocation, DeployRand, LastRealLocation, MaxHeight, MessageUpdateTime, MortarCameraOffset, RealLocation, TargetBeam, TargetUpdateTime, TargetZ, TeamNum, Thruster[4]
Inherited Variables from OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarShell
AirExplosionEffectClass, bExploded, ExplosionEffectClass, Glow, trail

Functions Summary
function BeginPlay ()))
function Deploy ()))
function DeployCamera ()))
function Destroyed ()))
event EndedRotation ()))
function ExplodeInAir ()))
functionbool IsStationary ()))
functionbool LineOfSightTo (Actor Other))
function PhysicsVolumeChange (PhysicsVolume NewVolume))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
function PostNetReceive ()))
function POVChanged (PlayerController PC, bool bBehindViewChanged))
function SetTarget (vector loc)
function ShotDown ()))
function ShowSelf (bool bCheckFOV))
function SpawnEffects (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
functionbool SpecialCalcView (out Actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation, bool bBehindView))
function StartTimer (float Fuse)
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
function UpdateTargetLocation (vector NewTargetLocation, vector NewTargetNormal))
Inherited Functions from OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarCamera
Deploy, Destroyed, Explode, PhysicsVolumeChange, PostBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, SetReticleStatus, SetTarget, ShotDown, SpawnEffects, SpawnThrusters, SpecialCalcView, TakeDamage, Tick
Inherited Functions from OnslaughtBP.ONSMortarShell
Destroyed, Explode, ExplodeInAir, HitWall, Landed, PostBeginPlay, ProcessTouch, SpawnEffects, StartTimer, TakeDamage, Timer

Variables Detail

CVScale Source code

var float CVScale;
Camera view offset scale. Interpolated to 0 while deploying.

DeployedAmbientSound Source code

var Sound DeployedAmbientSound;

DeploySound Source code

var Sound DeploySound;

MaxTargetRange Source code

var float MaxTargetRange;
Maximum target trace range from camera.

NextAIDeployCheck Source code

var float NextAIDeployCheck;

TargetLocation Source code

var vector TargetLocation;
Player's aiming target location.

TargetNormal Source code

var vector TargetNormal;
Player's aiming target location.

Trajectory Source code

var PersesArtilleryTrajectory Trajectory;

Functions Detail

BeginPlay Source code

function BeginPlay ( ) )

Deploy Source code

function Deploy ( ) )

DeployCamera Source code

simulated function DeployCamera ( ) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated function Destroyed ( ) )

EndedRotation Source code

simulated event EndedRotation ( ) )

ExplodeInAir Source code

simulated function ExplodeInAir ( ) )

IsStationary Source code

function bool IsStationary ( ) )

LineOfSightTo Source code

function bool LineOfSightTo ( Actor Other) )
Simplified version of Controller.LineOfSightTo() that checks from this camera's location.

PhysicsVolumeChange Source code

simulated function PhysicsVolumeChange ( PhysicsVolume NewVolume) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostNetReceive Source code

simulated function PostNetReceive ( ) )
Slightly modified version of ONSMortarCamera::PostNetReceive() to account for bDeployed reverting to False when shot down or manually disconnected.

POVChanged Source code

simulated function POVChanged ( PlayerController PC, bool bBehindViewChanged) )

SetTarget Source code

function SetTarget ( vector loc )

ShotDown Source code

simulated function ShotDown ( ) )

ShowSelf Source code

function ShowSelf ( bool bCheckFOV) )
Reveal the camera to enemy bots, giving them a chance to target it.

SpawnEffects Source code

simulated function SpawnEffects ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

SpecialCalcView Source code

simulated function bool SpecialCalcView ( out Actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation, bool bBehindView) )

StartTimer Source code

function StartTimer ( float Fuse )

Tick Source code

simulated function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Timer Source code

function Timer ( ) )

UpdateTargetLocation Source code

simulated function UpdateTargetLocation ( vector NewTargetLocation, vector NewTargetNormal) )


	Begin Object Class=ProceduralSound Name=ShellFragmentExplode1P
		BaseSound = Sound'ShellFragmentExplode1'
		PitchModification = -10
		PitchVariance = 20
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=ProceduralSound Name=ShellFragmentExplode2P
		BaseSound = Sound'ShellFragmentExplode2'
		PitchModification = -10
		PitchVariance = 20
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=SoundGroup Name=ShellFragmentExplodeSound
		Sounds = (Sound'ShellFragmentExplode1P',Sound'ShellFragmentExplode2P')
	End Object
	CollisionHeight = 60.0
	CollisionRadius = 80.0
	MortarCameraOffset = (X=-256.0,Z=128.0);
	CVScale = 1.0;
	MaxTargetRange = 10000.0;
	Speed = 4000.0;
	bReplicateInstigator = True;
	bOrientToVelocity = True;
	bAlwaysRelevant = True;
	TransientSoundRadius = 500.0;
	MyDamageType = class'DamTypePersesArtilleryShell';
	ImpactSound = Sound'ShellFragmentExplodeSound';
	ExplosionEffectClass = class'PersesArtilleryAirExplosion';
	AirExplosionEffectClass = class'PersesArtilleryAirExplosion';

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Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:19.447 - Created with UnCodeX