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hidecategories ( xTeamBanner )

xTeamMaterialSwitch Creation date: 2010-07-07 10:30 Last change: $Id$ Copyright © 2010, Wormbo Website: http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/ Feel free to reuse this code. Send me a note if you found it helpful or want to report bugs/provide improvements.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Decoration
      +-- XGame.xTeamBanner
         +-- OnslaughtSpecialsLiteV2.xTeamMaterialSwitch

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from XGame.xTeamBanner
GRI, Team
Inherited Variables from Engine.Decoration
bDamageable, bPushable, bPushSoundPlaying, bSplash, contents, EffectWhenDestroyed, EndPushSound, FragMomentum, FragSkin, FragType, Health, LastAnchor, LastValidAnchorTime, NumFrags, numLandings, PushSound, SplashTime

Functions Summary
function PostBeginPlay ()))
function UpdateForTeam ()))
Inherited Functions from XGame.xTeamBanner
PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, SetGRI, Trigger, UpdateForTeam
Inherited Functions from Engine.Decoration
BaseChange, Bump, CanSplash, Destroyed, Drop, HitWall, Landed, NotReachableBy, PhysicsVolumeChange, TakeDamage, Timer, Trigger

Variables Detail


MaterialSwitch Source code

var(xTeamMaterialSwitch) editconst editinline export MaterialSwitch MaterialSwitch;
A MaterialSwitch with 4 materials: red, blue, neutral and disabled

TeamSymbolCombiners[2] Source code

var(xTeamMaterialSwitch) Combiner TeamSymbolCombiners[2];
Combiners to apply the team symbols to. The symbol material is applied to Material2.

Functions Detail

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

UpdateForTeam Source code

simulated function UpdateForTeam ( ) )


	DrawType       = DT_Sprite
	Texture        = Texture'Engine.S_MaterialTrigger'
	Mesh           = None
	bCollideActors = False
	bHidden        = True
	Begin Object Class=ConstantColor Name=RedTeamColor
		Color = (R=255,G=0,B=0,A=255)
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=ConstantColor Name=BlueTeamColor
		Color = (R=32,G=64,B=255,A=255)
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=ConstantColor Name=NeutralColor
		Color = (R=192,G=192,B=192,A=255)
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=ConstantColor Name=DisabledColor
		Color = (R=64,G=64,B=64,A=255)
	End Object
	Begin Object Class=MaterialSwitch Name=TeamSwitch
		Materials = (RedTeamColor,BlueTeamColor,NeutralColor,DisabledColor)
	End Object
	MaterialSwitch = MaterialSwitch'TeamSwitch'

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