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CacheExempt config

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo
            +-- UnrealGame.DeathMatch
               +-- UnrealGame.TeamGame
                  +-- UnrealGame.CTFGame

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UnrealGame.TeamGame
Inherited Contants from UnrealGame.DeathMatch

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.TeamGame
ADR_Control, ADR_Goal, ADR_Return, bAllowNonTeamChat, BareHanded, bBalanceTeams, BlueTeamName, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CaptureSoundName[2], EndGameCommented[10], EndGameComments[10], EndGameLossRemarks[10], EndGameRemark[10], EndGameResponses[10], EndGameTaunts[10], EndGameVictoryRemarks[10], FriendlyFireScale, IncreaseLeadName[2], LastEndGameComment, LastEndGameRemark, LastEndGameResponse, LastEndGameTauntTime, MaxTeamSize, NearString, PathWhisps[2], RedTeamName, TakeLeadName[2], TeamAIType[2], TeammateBoost, Teams[2], TempSymbols[2], TGHints, TGPropDescText[TGPROPNUM], TGPropsDisplayText[TGPROPNUM]
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.DeathMatch
AdjustedDifficulty, ADR_Kill, ADR_KillTeamMate, ADR_MajorKill, ADR_MinorBonus, ADR_MinorError, AltEndGameSoundName[2], bAdjustSkill, bAllowPlayerLights, bAllowTaunts, bAllowTrans, bAlwaysShowLoginMenu, bAutoNumBots, bColoredDMSkins, bCustomBots, bDefaultTranslocator, bEpicNames, bFinalStartup, bFirstBlood, bForceDefaultCharacter, bForceNoPlayerLights, bForceRespawn, bKillBots, bMustHaveMultiplePlayers, bOverrideTranslocator, bOverTimeBroadcast, bPlayerBecameActive, bPlayersMustBeReady, bQuickStart, bReviewingJumpSpots, bSkipPlaySound, bStartedCountDown, bTournament, bWaitForNetPlayers, CountDown, DefaultEnemyRosterClass, DefaultMaxLives, DMHints, DMPropDescText[DMPROPNUM], DMPropsDisplayText[DMPROPNUM], DMSquadClass, ElapsedTime, EndGameFocus, EndGameSoundName[2], EndMessageCounter, EndMessageWait, EnemyRoster, EnemyRosterName, EpicNames[21], EpicOffset, FemaleBackupNameOffset, FemaleBackupNames[32], InitialBots, LastPlayerStartSpot, LastStartSpot, LateEntryLives, LevelRules, LevelRulesClass, LoginMenuClass, MaleBackupNameOffset, MaleBackupNames[32], MinNetPlayers, NameNumber, NamePrefixes[10], NameSuffixes[10], NetWait, NumRounds, PlayerDeaths, PlayerKills, RemainingBots, RemainingTime, RestartWait, SinglePlayerWait, SpawnProtectionTime, StandalonePlayer, StartupStage, TotalEpic, YouDestroyed, YouDestroyedTrailer

Functions Summary
functionbool CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason))
function DiscardInventory (Pawn Other ))
functionarray<string> GetAllLoadHints (optional bool bThisClassOnly))
functionGameObject GetGameObject (Name GameObjectName ))
function Logout (Controller Exiting))
functionbool NearGoal (Controller C))
functionint OrderToIndex (int Order))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
function PrecacheGameAnnouncements (AnnouncerVoice V, bool bRewardSounds))
function RegisterVehicle (Vehicle V))
function ScoreFlag (Controller Scorer, CTFFlag theFlag))
function ScoreFlag (Controller Scorer, CTFFlag theFlag))
function ScoreGameObject (Controller C, GameObject GO ))
function SetTeamFlags ()))
functionfloat SpawnWait (AIController B))
function UpdateAnnouncements ()))
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.TeamGame
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AnnounceScore, ApplyOrder, BallCarrierMessage, CanShowPathTo, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CriticalPlayer, EndGameCommentFor, EndGameTauntFor, FillPlayInfo, FindNewObjectives, FindTeamDesignation, FindTeamFor, FindVictimsTarget, GetAllLoadHints, GetBlueTeam, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetMinPlayers, GetRedTeam, GetServerDetails, GetStatus, IncrementGoalsScored, InitGame, InitTeamSymbols, InitVoiceReplicationInfo, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OtherTeam, OverrideInitialBots, ParseChatPercVar, ParseMessageString, ParseOrder, ParseRecipient, ParseRecipients, ParseVoiceCommand, PickEndGameTauntFor, PickTeam, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartPlayer, SameTeam, ScoreKill, SetEndGameFocus, SetGrammar, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, UpdateAnnouncements, WeakObjectives
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.DeathMatch
AcceptInventory, AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AddBot, AddBots, AddDefaultInventory, AddGameSpecificInventory, AddNamedBot, AdjustSkill, AllowBecomeActivePlayer, AllowTransloc, AtCapacity, BecomeSpectator, beginstate, CanSpectate, ChangeLoadOut, ChangeName, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckReady, CheckScore, EndGame, EndSpree, FillPlayInfo, FindPlayerStart, FindTeamFor, ForceAddBot, GetAllLoadHints, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetDisplayText, GetMinPlayers, GetNextLoadHint, GetServerDetails, InitGame, InitGameReplicationInfo, InitializeBot, InitLogging, InitPlacedBot, InitTeamSymbols, JustStarted, KillBot, KillBots, Killed, Login, Logout, NeedPlayers, NeverAllowTransloc, NotifySpree, OverrideInitialBots, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PlayStartupMessage, PlayWinMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, Reset, RestartPlayer, ReviewJumpSpots, ScoreKill, ScoreObjective, SetGrammar, ShouldRespawn, SpawnBot, StartMatch, Timer, TooManyBots, TweakSkill, VehicleScoreKill, WantsPickups

States Summary
MatchOver Source code
state MatchOver

Variables Detail


CTFHints Source code

var(LoadingHints) private localized array<string> CTFHints;

Functions Detail

CheckEndGame Source code

function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) )

DiscardInventory Source code

function DiscardInventory ( Pawn Other ) )

GetAllLoadHints Source code

static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly) )

GetGameObject Source code

function GameObject GetGameObject ( Name GameObjectName ) )

Logout Source code

function Logout ( Controller Exiting) )

NearGoal Source code

function bool NearGoal ( Controller C) )

OrderToIndex Source code

static function int OrderToIndex ( int Order) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PrecacheGameAnnouncements Source code

static function PrecacheGameAnnouncements ( AnnouncerVoice V, bool bRewardSounds) )

RegisterVehicle Source code

function RegisterVehicle ( Vehicle V) )

ScoreFlag Source code

function ScoreFlag ( Controller Scorer, CTFFlag theFlag) )

ScoreFlag MatchOver Source code

function ScoreFlag ( Controller Scorer, CTFFlag theFlag) )

ScoreGameObject Source code

function ScoreGameObject ( Controller C, GameObject GO ) )

SetTeamFlags Source code

function SetTeamFlags ( ) )

SpawnWait Source code

function float SpawnWait ( AIController B) )

UpdateAnnouncements Source code

simulated function UpdateAnnouncements ( ) )


     Description="Your team must score flag captures by taking the enemy flag from the enemy base and returning it to their own flag.  If the flag carrier is killed, the flag drops to the ground for anyone to pick up.  If your team's flag is taken, it must be returned (by touching it after it is dropped) before your team can score a flag capture."

     CTFHints(0)="You can use %BASEPATH 0% to see the path to the Red Team base and %BASEPATH 1% to see the path to the Blue Team base."
     CTFHints(1)="Firing the translocator sends out your translocator beacon.  Pressing %FIRE% again returns the beacon, while pressing %A:TFIRE% teleports you instantly to the beacon's location (if you fit)."
     CTFHints(2)="Using the translocator to teleport while carrying the flag will cause you to drop the flag."
     CTFHints(3)="Pressing %SWITCHWEAPON 10% after tossing the Translocator allows you to view from its internal camera."
     CTFHints(4)="Pressing %FIRE% while your %ALTFIRE% is still held down after teleporting with the translocator will switch you back to your previous weapon."

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