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BetrayalGame Creation date: 2010-01-31 15:25 Last change: $Id$

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo
            +-- UnrealGame.DeathMatch
               +-- XGame.xDeathMatch
                  +-- Betrayal.BetrayalGame

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UnrealGame.DeathMatch

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from XGame.xDeathMatch
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.DeathMatch
AdjustedDifficulty, ADR_Kill, ADR_KillTeamMate, ADR_MajorKill, ADR_MinorBonus, ADR_MinorError, AltEndGameSoundName[2], bAdjustSkill, bAllowPlayerLights, bAllowTaunts, bAllowTrans, bAlwaysShowLoginMenu, bAutoNumBots, bColoredDMSkins, bCustomBots, bDefaultTranslocator, bEpicNames, bFinalStartup, bFirstBlood, bForceDefaultCharacter, bForceNoPlayerLights, bForceRespawn, bKillBots, bMustHaveMultiplePlayers, bOverrideTranslocator, bOverTimeBroadcast, bPlayerBecameActive, bPlayersMustBeReady, bQuickStart, bReviewingJumpSpots, bSkipPlaySound, bStartedCountDown, bTournament, bWaitForNetPlayers, CountDown, DefaultEnemyRosterClass, DefaultMaxLives, DMHints, DMPropDescText[DMPROPNUM], DMPropsDisplayText[DMPROPNUM], DMSquadClass, ElapsedTime, EndGameFocus, EndGameSoundName[2], EndMessageCounter, EndMessageWait, EnemyRoster, EnemyRosterName, EpicNames[21], EpicOffset, FemaleBackupNameOffset, FemaleBackupNames[32], InitialBots, LastPlayerStartSpot, LastStartSpot, LateEntryLives, LevelRules, LevelRulesClass, LoginMenuClass, MaleBackupNameOffset, MaleBackupNames[32], MinNetPlayers, NameNumber, NamePrefixes[10], NameSuffixes[10], NetWait, NumRounds, PlayerDeaths, PlayerKills, RemainingBots, RemainingTime, RestartWait, SinglePlayerWait, SpawnProtectionTime, StandalonePlayer, StartupStage, TotalEpic, YouDestroyed, YouDestroyedTrailer

Structures Summary
Content, Top, Left, Height, Width, RenderStyle, AlignH, AlignV, ImageStyle, DrawColor, FontName, WrapText
ClientID, PlayerID, Score, Deaths, Hits, Shots, Kills, PaybackCount, RetributionCount, BetrayalCount, BetrayedCount, RemainingRogueTime, BetrayedPlayers, EagleEyes, MultiHits, BestMultiHit, HeadCount, bFirstBlood, WeaponStatsArray, VehicleStatsArray, Spree[6], MultiKills[7], Suicides, TimePlayed

Functions Summary
eventbool AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string PropertyName))
functionBetrayalDrawImageOp AddImage (UT2K4LoadingPageBase LoadingScreen, Material Image, float Top, float Left, float Height, float Width))
functionBetrayalDrawTextOp AddText (UT2K4LoadingPageBase LoadingScreen, string Text, byte Just, float Top, float Left, float Height, float Width, optional byte VAlign))
functionbool AllowBecomeActivePlayer (PlayerController P))
functionbool BecomeSpectator (PlayerController P))
function CheckScore (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer))
function DisableUnlag ()))
function EnableUnlag (Pawn Attacker, vector FireStart, vector FireDir))
function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
functionrotator FindBestDirectionFor (vector StartLocation, rotator StartRotation, float CheckDist))
functionNavigationPoint FindPlayerStart (Controller Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string incomingName))
function FixQuality (Material Mat))
functionarray<string> GetAllLoadHints (optional bool bThisClassOnly))
eventstring GetDescriptionText (string PropName))
functionstring GetLoadingHint (PlayerController Ref, string MapName, color HintColor))
function GetServerDetails (out ServerResponseLine ServerState))
functionbool HasDuplicateClientID (BetrayalPRI PRI))
event InitGame (string Options, out string Error))
function InitGameReplicationInfo ()))
functionbool InOrder (PlayerReplicationInfo P1, PlayerReplicationInfo P2))
function Killed (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType))
functionbool LoadDemoData (PlayerController Ref, string DemoName, out string MapName, out string MapTitle, out string MapDescription, out string MapAuthor, out Material MapScreenshot, out string RecordedBy, out string Timestamp, out int ClientSide))
functionbool LoadMapData (string MapName, out string MapTitle, out string MapDescription, out string MapAuthor, out Material MapScreenshot))
function Logout (Controller Exiting))
functionbool OnSameTeam (Pawn A, Pawn B))
functionbool PlayerCanRestart (PlayerController aPlayer))
event PostLogin (PlayerController NewPlayer))
functionfloat RatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player))
function RemoveFromTeam (BetrayalPRI PRI))
function RemoveTeam (BetrayalTeam Team))
function Reset ()))
function RestartPlayer (Controller aPlayer))
functionbool RestorePRIData (BetrayalPRI PRI))
function SavePRIData (BetrayalPRI PRI, bool bBecomingSpectator))
function ScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other))
function ScoreSpecialKill (Controller Killer))
function ShotTeammate (BetrayalPRI InstigatorPRI, BetrayalPRI HitPRI, Pawn ShotInstigator, Pawn HitPawn))
functionbool ShouldSpawnNearby (BetrayalPRI SpawningPRI, BetrayalPRI OtherPRI))
function SortPRIArray ()))
functionfloat SpawnWait (AIController B))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
function Timer ()))
function UpdateUnlagLocations ()))
functionbool ValidateStartSpot (NavigationPoint StartSpot, out PlayerStart ClosestPlayerStart))
functionbool WantsPickups (Bot B))
Inherited Functions from XGame.xDeathMatch
PrecacheGameStaticMeshes, PrecacheGameTextures
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.DeathMatch
AcceptInventory, AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AddBot, AddBots, AddDefaultInventory, AddGameSpecificInventory, AddNamedBot, AdjustSkill, AllowBecomeActivePlayer, AllowTransloc, AtCapacity, BecomeSpectator, beginstate, CanSpectate, ChangeLoadOut, ChangeName, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckReady, CheckScore, EndGame, EndSpree, FillPlayInfo, FindPlayerStart, FindTeamFor, ForceAddBot, GetAllLoadHints, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetDisplayText, GetMinPlayers, GetNextLoadHint, GetServerDetails, InitGame, InitGameReplicationInfo, InitializeBot, InitLogging, InitPlacedBot, InitTeamSymbols, JustStarted, KillBot, KillBots, Killed, Login, Logout, NeedPlayers, NeverAllowTransloc, NotifySpree, OverrideInitialBots, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PlayStartupMessage, PlayWinMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, Reset, RestartPlayer, ReviewJumpSpots, ScoreKill, ScoreObjective, SetGrammar, ShouldRespawn, SpawnBot, StartMatch, Timer, TooManyBots, TweakSkill, VehicleScoreKill, WantsPickups

States Summary
MatchInprogress Source code
state MatchInprogress
Tick, Timer

Variables Detail

AnnouncerMessageClass Source code

var class<LocalMessage> AnnouncerMessageClass;

bBeamMultiHit Source code

var config bool bBeamMultiHit;

bBrighterPlayerSkins Source code

var config bool bBrighterPlayerSkins;

BetrayalHints Source code

var localized array<string> BetrayalHints;

BetrayedSound Source code

var Sound BetrayedSound;

bImprovedSlopeDodging Source code

var config bool bImprovedSlopeDodging;

bPlayedFiveKills Source code

var bool bPlayedFiveKills;

bPlayedOneKill Source code

var bool bPlayedOneKill;

bPlayedTenKills Source code

var bool bPlayedTenKills;

bRestorePlayerStats Source code

var config bool bRestorePlayerStats;

bSpecialKillRewards Source code

var config bool bSpecialKillRewards;

bTestBlocked Source code

var bool bTestBlocked;

bUnlaggingDisabled Source code

var bool bUnlaggingDisabled;

DemoDrawOps Source code

var array<TDrawOp> DemoDrawOps;

descBeamMultiHit Source code

var localized string descBeamMultiHit;

descBrighterPlayerSkins Source code

var localized string descBrighterPlayerSkins;

descImprovedSlopeDodging Source code

var localized string descImprovedSlopeDodging;

descMaxUnlagTime Source code

var localized string descMaxUnlagTime;

descRestorePlayerStats Source code

var localized string descRestorePlayerStats;

descSpecialKillRewards Source code

var localized string descSpecialKillRewards;

DuplicateClientIDs Source code

var array<string> DuplicateClientIDs;

FirstCollision Source code

var BetrayalUnlaggedCollision FirstCollision;

GameDrawOps Source code

var array<TDrawOp> GameDrawOps;

LastLocationUpdateTime Source code

var float LastLocationUpdateTime;

lblBeamMultiHit Source code

var localized string lblBeamMultiHit;

lblBrighterPlayerSkins Source code

var localized string lblBrighterPlayerSkins;

lblImprovedSlopeDodging Source code

var localized string lblImprovedSlopeDodging;

lblMaxUnlagTime Source code

var localized string lblMaxUnlagTime;

lblRestorePlayerStats Source code

var localized string lblRestorePlayerStats;

lblSpecialKillRewards Source code

var localized string lblSpecialKillRewards;

LoadingScreenAtTimeText Source code

var localized string LoadingScreenAtTimeText;

LoadingScreenByNameText Source code

var localized string LoadingScreenByNameText;

MaxUnlagTime Source code

var config float MaxUnlagTime;

RelevantDMLoadingHints Source code

var localized array<int> RelevantDMLoadingHints;

SavedPRIData Source code

var array<TSavedPRIData> SavedPRIData;

Teams Source code

var array<BetrayalTeam> Teams;

VisibilityCheckRange Source code

var float VisibilityCheckRange;


Build Source code

var(BetrayalGame) const editconst string Build;

Copyright Source code

var(BetrayalGame) const editconst string Copyright;

Structures Detail

TDrawOp Source code

struct TDrawOp
var byte AlignH;
var byte AlignV;
var string Content;
var color DrawColor;
var string FontName;
var float Height;
var byte ImageStyle;
var float Left;
var byte RenderStyle;
var float Top;
var float Width;
var bool WrapText;

Alignment options. 0 = left/top, 1 = center, 2 = right/bottom
Alignment options. 0 = left/top, 1 = center, 2 = right/bottom
Available image operations are: `bgmapimage `bggameimage `mapimage `gameimage `image:package.group.material,u,v,ul,vl `random:p1.g1.m1,u1,v1,ul1,vl1;p2.g2.m2,u2,v2,ul2,vl2;... The U, V, UL and VL properties are optional. You can specify any number of random images you want. Available text operations are: `mapname `maptitle `mapauthor `gamename `gamehint `localize:file.section.property Any other text is displayed unmodified. Localized text is looked up in file.int [section] property=... (The file extension depends on your UT2004 language.)
The drawing area of this operation.
Image style. 0 = normal, 1 = full image stretched, 2 = clipped, 3 = partially stretched
The drawing area of this operation.
The render style. 1 = normal, 5 = alphablend
The drawing area of this operation.
The drawing area of this operation.

TSavedPRIData Source code

struct TSavedPRIData
var int BestMultiHit;
var int BetrayalCount;
var int BetrayedCount;
var array<BetrayalPRI> BetrayedPlayers;
var bool bFirstBlood;
var string ClientID;
var float Deaths;
var int EagleEyes;
var int HeadCount;
var int Hits;
var int Kills;
var int MultiHits;
var byte MultiKills[7];
var int PaybackCount;
var int PlayerID;
var int RemainingRogueTime;
var int RetributionCount;
var float Score;
var int Shots;
var byte Spree[6];
var int Suicides;
var int TimePlayed;
var array<TeamPlayerReplicationInfo.VehicleStats> VehicleStatsArray;
var array<TeamPlayerReplicationInfo.WeaponStats> WeaponStatsArray;

Functions Detail

AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code

static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string PropertyName) )

AddImage Source code

static function BetrayalDrawImageOp AddImage ( UT2K4LoadingPageBase LoadingScreen, Material Image, float Top, float Left, float Height, float Width) )

AddText Source code

static function BetrayalDrawTextOp AddText ( UT2K4LoadingPageBase LoadingScreen, string Text, byte Just, float Top, float Left, float Height, float Width, optional byte VAlign) )

AllowBecomeActivePlayer Source code

function bool AllowBecomeActivePlayer ( PlayerController P) )

BecomeSpectator Source code

function bool BecomeSpectator ( PlayerController P) )

CheckScore Source code

function CheckScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer) )

DisableUnlag Source code

function DisableUnlag ( ) )

EnableUnlag Source code

function EnableUnlag ( Pawn Attacker, vector FireStart, vector FireDir) )

FillPlayInfo Source code

static function FillPlayInfo ( PlayInfo PlayInfo) )

FindBestDirectionFor Source code

function rotator FindBestDirectionFor ( vector StartLocation, rotator StartRotation, float CheckDist) )

FindPlayerStart Source code

function NavigationPoint FindPlayerStart ( Controller Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string incomingName) )

FixQuality Source code

static function FixQuality ( Material Mat) )

GetAllLoadHints Source code

static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly) )

GetDescriptionText Source code

static event string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName) )
Returns the description text for a configurable property.

GetLoadingHint Source code

static function string GetLoadingHint ( PlayerController Ref, string MapName, color HintColor) )

GetServerDetails Source code

function GetServerDetails ( out ServerResponseLine ServerState) )

HasDuplicateClientID Source code

function bool HasDuplicateClientID ( BetrayalPRI PRI) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error) )

InitGameReplicationInfo Source code

function InitGameReplicationInfo ( ) )

InOrder Source code

function bool InOrder ( PlayerReplicationInfo P1, PlayerReplicationInfo P2) )

Killed Source code

function Killed ( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType) )

LoadDemoData Source code

static function bool LoadDemoData ( PlayerController Ref, string DemoName, out string MapName, out string MapTitle, out string MapDescription, out string MapAuthor, out Material MapScreenshot, out string RecordedBy, out string Timestamp, out int ClientSide) )

LoadMapData Source code

static function bool LoadMapData ( string MapName, out string MapTitle, out string MapDescription, out string MapAuthor, out Material MapScreenshot) )

Logout Source code

function Logout ( Controller Exiting) )

OnSameTeam Source code

function bool OnSameTeam ( Pawn A, Pawn B) )

PlayerCanRestart Source code

function bool PlayerCanRestart ( PlayerController aPlayer) )

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( PlayerController NewPlayer) )

RatePlayerStart Source code

function float RatePlayerStart ( NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player) )

RemoveFromTeam Source code

function RemoveFromTeam ( BetrayalPRI PRI) )

RemoveTeam Source code

function RemoveTeam ( BetrayalTeam Team) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

RestartPlayer Source code

function RestartPlayer ( Controller aPlayer) )

RestorePRIData Source code

function bool RestorePRIData ( BetrayalPRI PRI) )

SavePRIData Source code

function SavePRIData ( BetrayalPRI PRI, bool bBecomingSpectator) )

ScoreKill Source code

function ScoreKill ( Controller Killer, Controller Other) )

ScoreSpecialKill Source code

function ScoreSpecialKill ( Controller Killer) )

ShotTeammate Source code

function ShotTeammate ( BetrayalPRI InstigatorPRI, BetrayalPRI HitPRI, Pawn ShotInstigator, Pawn HitPawn) )

ShouldSpawnNearby Source code

function bool ShouldSpawnNearby ( BetrayalPRI SpawningPRI, BetrayalPRI OtherPRI) )

SortPRIArray Source code

function SortPRIArray ( ) )

SpawnWait Source code

function float SpawnWait ( AIController B) )

Tick MatchInprogress Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

Timer MatchInprogress Source code

function Timer ( ) )

UpdateUnlagLocations Source code

function UpdateUnlagLocations ( ) )

ValidateStartSpot Source code

function bool ValidateStartSpot ( NavigationPoint StartSpot, out PlayerStart ClosestPlayerStart) )

WantsPickups Source code

function bool WantsPickups ( Bot B) )


	GameName    = "Betrayal"
	Description = "Cooperate to get bonus points.  Betray your team to keep them."
	Acronym     = "BET"
	GoalScore   = 100

	Build     = "%%%%-%%-%% %%:%%"
	Copyright = "Copyright 2003-2013 by Wormbo"

	bBeamMultiHit = False
	MaxUnlagTime  = 0.25
	bSpecialKillRewards = False
	bRestorePlayerStats = True
	bImprovedSlopeDodging = True

	MutatorClass           = "Betrayal.BetrayalMutator"
	HUDType                = "Betrayal.BetrayalHud"
	ScoreBoardType         = "Betrayal.BetrayalScoreboard"
	DefaultPlayerClassName = "Betrayal.BetrayalPawn"
	HUDSettingsMenu        = "Betrayal.BetrayalClientSettingsMenu"
	LocalStatsScreenClass  = "Betrayal.BetrayalStatsScreen"
	LoginMenuClass         = "GUI2K4.UT2K4PlayerLoginMenu"

	BetrayedSound = Sound'GameSounds.DDAverted'

	DMSquadClass             = class'BetrayalSquadAI'
	GameReplicationInfoClass = class'BetrayalGRI'
	AnnouncerMessageClass    = class'BetrayalMessage'
	DeathMessageClass        = class'BetrayalDeathMessage'

	lblMaxUnlagTime          = "Max. Unlag Time"
	descMaxUnlagTime         = "Maximum shot unlag time."
	lblBeamMultiHit          = "Instagib Beam Multi-Hit"
	descBeamMultiHit         = "Whether the Instagib rifle shoots through players."
	lblSpecialKillRewards    = "Special Kill Rewards"
	descSpecialKillRewards   = "Adds an additional point for special kills, such as multiple hits per shot, head shots or nice mid-air hits."
	lblRestorePlayerStats    = "Restore Player Stats"
	descRestorePlayerStats   = "Save the player's stats of he/she becomes spectator or leaves the server and restore them on rejoin in the same match."
	lblBrighterPlayerSkins   = "Brighter Player Skins"
	descBrighterPlayerSkins  = "Slightly increases player skin brightness. (For the TAM-/UTComp-impaired players.)"
	lblImprovedSlopeDodging  = "Improved slope dodging"
	descImprovedSlopeDodging = "Adjusts the dodging direction when dodging up a (walkable) slope."

	RelevantDMLoadingHints = (1,2,3,7,9,11,12,13)
	BetrayalHints[0] = "Shoot with %FIRE% to kill enemies, shoot with %ALTFIRE% to kill your teammates and take the team pot."
	BetrayalHints[1] = "Try getting retribution on a former teammate who betrayed you. Doing so within 30 seconds after betrayal will award you additional points."
	BetrayalHints[2] = "Make sure you hit with the first shot when trying to betray your team. Betraying shots have a different color, so your teammate will notice your intentions if you miss."
	BetrayalHints[3] = "Don't betray your team right away. The few points in the team pot might not be worth the trouble of avoiding payback. Later betraying at the right time can decide the match very quickly, though."
	BetrayalHints[4] = "The player beacons reflect your relation to that player and tell how much points you will get for killing him/her. Blue is for teammates, red is for a former teammate who betrayed you, green is for the former teammates who are seeking payback on you."
	BetrayalHints[5] = "Be aware of your teammates' scores when they get closer to the goal score. You may need to betray them to prevent them from taking the pot to win the match."
	BetrayalHints[6] = "You can access client-side Betrayal options via %MYMENU%."
	BetrayalHints[7] = "You can access client-side Betrayal options via %MENU3SPN%."
	BetrayalHints[8] = "You can access client-side Betrayal options via the standard HUD settings page."
	BetrayalHints[9] = "After you betrayed your team, try to not give them a chance for retribution. When they succeed your score will decrease!"

	LoadingScreenByNameText = "by `name"
	LoadingScreenAtTimeText = "at `time"

	GameDrawOps(0) = (Content="`bgmapimage",Height=1.0,Width=1.0,RenderStyle=1,DrawColor=(R=200,G=200,B=200,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(1) = (Content="`random:2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char01,0,0,1024,768;2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char02,0,0,1024,768;2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char03,0,0,1024,768",Top=0.0,Left=0.0,Height=1.0,Width=1.0,RenderStyle=5,DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(2) = (Content="`image:2k4Menus.MainMenu.2k4Logo",Top=0.0,Left=0.325,Height=0.25,Width=0.35,RenderStyle=5,DrawColor=(R=224,G=224,B=224,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(3) = (Content="`mapimage",Top=0.25,Left=0.1,Height=0.4,Width=0.4,RenderStyle=1,DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(4) = (Content="`image:2k4Menus.Controls.outlinesquare",Top=0.25,Left=0.1,Height=0.4,Width=0.4,RenderStyle=5,ImageStyle=3,DrawColor=(R=128,G=128,B=128,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(5) = (Content="`{gamename}",Top=0.05,Left=0.0,Height=0.2,Width=0.6,RenderStyle=1,AlignH=1,AlignV=2,FontName="XInterface.UT2LargeFont",DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(6) = (Content="`{maptitle}",Top=0.65,Left=0.0,Height=0.15,Width=0.6,RenderStyle=1,AlignH=1,FontName="XInterface.UT2LargeFont",DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	GameDrawOps(7) = (Content="`gamehint",Top=0.8,Left=0.05,Height=0.18,Width=0.9,RenderStyle=1,AlignV=2,WrapText=True,FontName="GUI2K4.fntUT2k4SmallHeader",DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))

	DemoDrawOps(0) = (Content="`bgmapimage",Height=1.0,Width=1.0,RenderStyle=1,DrawColor=(R=200,G=200,B=200,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(1) = (Content="`random:2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char01,0,0,1024,768;2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char02,0,0,1024,768;2k4Menus.MainMenu.Char03,0,0,1024,768",Top=0.0,Left=0.0,Height=1.0,Width=1.0,RenderStyle=5,DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(2) = (Content="`image:2k4Menus.MainMenu.2k4Logo",Top=0.0,Left=0.325,Height=0.25,Width=0.35,RenderStyle=5,DrawColor=(R=224,G=224,B=224,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(3) = (Content="`mapimage",Top=0.25,Left=0.1,Height=0.4,Width=0.4,RenderStyle=1,DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(4) = (Content="`image:2k4Menus.Controls.outlinesquare",Top=0.25,Left=0.1,Height=0.4,Width=0.4,RenderStyle=5,ImageStyle=3,DrawColor=(R=128,G=128,B=128,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(5) = (Content="`{gamename}`{lf}`{maptitle}",Top=0.05,Left=0.0,Height=0.2,Width=0.6,RenderStyle=1,AlignH=1,AlignV=2,FontName="XInterface.UT2LargeFont",DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))
	DemoDrawOps(6) = (Content="`{demotype}`{lf}`{byplayer}`{lf}`{attime}",Top=0.65,Left=0.0,Height=0.3,Width=0.6,RenderStyle=1,AlignH=1,FontName="XInterface.UT2LargeFont",DrawColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255))

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Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:00.260 - Created with UnCodeX