- Extends
- xTeamGame
- Modifiers
- notplaceable
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.GameInfo
+-- UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo
+-- UnrealGame.DeathMatch
+-- UnrealGame.TeamGame
+-- XGame.xTeamGame
+-- Jailbreak.Jailbreak
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.TeamGame |
ADR_Control, ADR_Goal, ADR_Return, bAllowNonTeamChat, BareHanded, bBalanceTeams, BlueTeamName, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CaptureSoundName[2], EndGameCommented[10], EndGameComments[10], EndGameLossRemarks[10], EndGameRemark[10], EndGameResponses[10], EndGameTaunts[10], EndGameVictoryRemarks[10], FriendlyFireScale, IncreaseLeadName[2], LastEndGameComment, LastEndGameRemark, LastEndGameResponse, LastEndGameTauntTime, MaxTeamSize, NearString, PathWhisps[2], RedTeamName, TakeLeadName[2], TeamAIType[2], TeammateBoost, Teams[2], TempSymbols[2], TGHints, TGPropDescText[TGPROPNUM], TGPropsDisplayText[TGPROPNUM] |
Functions Summary |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | bool | AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string Property))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddGameSpecificInventory (Pawn PawnPlayer))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddMutator (string NameMutator, optional bool bUserAdded))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AllowBecomeActivePlayer (PlayerController PlayerController))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AllowTransloc ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | BecomeSpectator (PlayerController PlayerController))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | BeginState ())) Executing |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | BeginState ())) MatchInProgress |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | BroadcastDeathMessage (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Class<DamageType> DamageType))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | BroadcastLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> MessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanFireEvent (name EventFire, optional bool bFire))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanPlayReleaseMessage (int TeamIndex))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanSpectate (PlayerController PlayerViewer, bool bOnlySpectator, Actor ViewTarget))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ChangeTeam (Controller Controller, int iTeam, bool bNewTeam))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfoWinner, string Reason))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ContainsActorArena (Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoArena Arena))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ContainsActorJail (Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoJail Jail))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | CountPlayersArena (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | CountPlayersFree (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | CountPlayersJailed (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | CountPlayersTotal (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DriverEnteredVehicle (Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DriverLeftVehicle (Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | EndState ())) Executing |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | EndState ())) MatchInProgress |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ExecutionCommit (TeamInfo TeamExecuted))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ExecutionEnd ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ExecutionInit ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | JBInfoJail | FindJailExecution (TeamInfo TeamExecuted))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | NavigationPoint | FindPlayerStart (Controller Controller, optional byte iTeam, optional string Teleporter))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | array<string> | GetAllLoadHints (optional bool bThisClassOnly))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Class<Pawn> | GetDefaultPlayerClass (Controller Controller))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetDefenderNum ()))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | string | GetDescriptionText (string Property))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | JBGameRules | GetFirstJBGameRules ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetLoadingHint (PlayerController PlayerController, string MapName, Color ColorHint))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetServerDetails (out ServerResponseLine ServerState))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | InitGame (string Options, out string Error))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitPlacedBot (Controller Controller, RosterEntry RosterEntry))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | float | InternalRatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsCaptured (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsReleaseActive (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Killed (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | KilledInJail (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Logout (Controller ControllerExiting))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | NeedPlayers ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ParseVoiceCommand (PlayerController PlayerControllerSender, string Command))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PickupQuery (Pawn PawnPlayer, Pickup Pickup))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PlayEndOfMatchMessage ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PlayingReleaseMessage (int TeamIndex))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PlayStartupMessage ()))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | PostBeginPlay ()))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | PostLogin (PlayerController PlayerControllerLogin))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PrecacheGameTextures (LevelInfo myLevel))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PreventDeath (Pawn PawnVictim, Controller ControllerKiller, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType, vector LocationHit))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | float | RatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint NavigationPoint, byte iTeam, Controller Controller))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ReadAddonsForWebAdmin ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ReAssessTeam (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | ReduceDamage (int Damage, Pawn PawnVictim, Pawn PawnInstigator, vector LocationHit, out vector MomentumHit, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RegisterPlayer (Controller Controller))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ResetViewTarget (PlayerController PlayerController))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RespawnPickups ())) MatchInProgress |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartAll ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartPlayer (Controller Controller)) Executing |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartPlayer (Controller Controller)) MatchInProgress |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartPlayers (bool bFree))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartTeam (TeamInfo Team))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreKill (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreKillAdjust (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreKillTaunt (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScorePlayer (Controller Controller, name Event))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | SetGrammar ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetPlayerDefaults (Pawn PawnPlayer))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetupWebScoreboard ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Bot | SpawnBot (optional string NameBot))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | float | SpawnWait (AIController B))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | Timer ())) Executing |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | Timer ())) MatchInProgress |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | Timer ())) MatchOver |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | TooManyBots (Controller BotToRemove))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | UnregisterPlayer (Controller Controller))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | WantsPickups (Bot Bot))
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.TeamGame |
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AnnounceScore, ApplyOrder, BallCarrierMessage, CanShowPathTo, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CriticalPlayer, EndGameCommentFor, EndGameTauntFor, FillPlayInfo, FindNewObjectives, FindTeamDesignation, FindTeamFor, FindVictimsTarget, GetAllLoadHints, GetBlueTeam, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetMinPlayers, GetRedTeam, GetServerDetails, GetStatus, IncrementGoalsScored, InitGame, InitTeamSymbols, InitVoiceReplicationInfo, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OtherTeam, OverrideInitialBots, ParseChatPercVar, ParseMessageString, ParseOrder, ParseRecipient, ParseRecipients, ParseVoiceCommand, PickEndGameTauntFor, PickTeam, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartPlayer, SameTeam, ScoreKill, SetEndGameFocus, SetGrammar, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, UpdateAnnouncements, WeakObjectives |
var config string Addons;
var bool bArenaMutatorActive;
var config bool bDisallowEscaping;
var config bool bEnableJailFights;
var config bool bEnableJBMapFixes;
var config bool bEnableScreens;
bEnableSpectatorDeathCam Source code
var config bool bEnableSpectatorDeathCam;
bEnableWebAdminExtension Source code
var config bool bEnableWebAdminExtension;
var config bool bEnableWebScoreboard;
var config bool bFavorHumansForArena;
var private bool bGiveTrans;
var config bool bJailNewcomers;
var config bool bNoJailKill;
var config bool bReverseSwitchColors;
bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code
var config bool bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;
var private float DilationTimePrev;
firstTagPlayerInactive Source code
var private array<name> ListEventFired;
TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping;
TextDescriptionEnableJailFights Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionEnableJailFights;
TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes;
TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena;
TextDescriptionJailNewcomers Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionJailNewcomers;
TextDescriptionNoJailKill Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionNoJailKill;
TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code
var localized string TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;
TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping;
TextWebAdminEnableJailFights Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminEnableJailFights;
TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes;
TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena;
TextWebAdminJailNewcomers Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminJailNewcomers;
TextWebAdminNoJailKill Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminNoJailKill;
TextWebAdminPrefixAddon Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminPrefixAddon;
TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code
var localized string TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;
var private float TimeEventFired;
var private float TimeExecution;
TimeReleaseMessagePlayed[2] Source code
var private float TimeReleaseMessagePlayed[2];
var private float TimeRestart;
var config string WebScoreboardClass;
var config string WebScoreboardPath;
var(LoadingHints) localized array<string> TextHintJailbreak;
var(LoadingScreens) array<string> LoadingScreens;
AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code
static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string Property) )
AddGameSpecificInventory Source code
function AddGameSpecificInventory (
Pawn PawnPlayer) )
function AddMutator ( string NameMutator, optional bool bUserAdded) )
AllowBecomeActivePlayer Source code
function bool AllowTransloc ( ) )
event BeginState ( ) )
BeginState MatchInProgress Source code
event BeginState ( ) )
BroadcastLocalizedMessage Source code
function bool CanFireEvent ( name EventFire, optional bool bFire) )
function bool CanPlayReleaseMessage ( int TeamIndex) )
int CountPlayersArena (
TeamInfo Team) )
int CountPlayersFree (
TeamInfo Team) )
int CountPlayersJailed (
TeamInfo Team) )
int CountPlayersTotal (
TeamInfo Team) )
event EndState ( ) )
EndState MatchInProgress Source code
event EndState ( ) )
function ExecutionCommit (
TeamInfo TeamExecuted) )
function ExecutionEnd ( ) )
function bool ExecutionInit ( ) )
static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly) )
function int GetDefenderNum ( ) )
static event string GetDescriptionText ( string Property) )
event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error) )
InternalRatePlayerStart Source code
bool IsCaptured (
TeamInfo Team) )
bool IsReleaseActive (
TeamInfo Team) )
function bool NeedPlayers ( ) )
function ParseVoiceCommand (
PlayerController PlayerControllerSender,
string Command) )
function PlayEndOfMatchMessage ( ) )
function PlayingReleaseMessage ( int TeamIndex) )
function PlayStartupMessage ( ) )
event PostBeginPlay ( ) )
static function PrecacheGameTextures (
LevelInfo myLevel) )
function ReadAddonsForWebAdmin ( ) )
function ReAssessTeam (
TeamInfo Team) )
int ReduceDamage (
int Damage,
Pawn PawnVictim,
Pawn PawnInstigator,
vector LocationHit, out
vector MomentumHit,
DamageType> ClassDamageType) )
RespawnPickups MatchInProgress Source code
function RespawnPickups ( ) )
function RestartAll ( ) )
RestartPlayer Executing Source code
RestartPlayer MatchInProgress Source code
function RestartPlayers ( bool bFree) )
event SetGrammar ( ) )
function SetPlayerDefaults (
Pawn PawnPlayer) )
function SetupWebScoreboard ( ) )
Bot SpawnBot ( optional
string NameBot) )
event Timer ( ) )
event Timer ( ) )
event Timer ( ) )
bool TooManyBots (
Controller BotToRemove) )
bool WantsPickups (
Bot Bot) )
Build = "%%%%-%%-%% %%:%%"
ScreenShotName = "JBTexPreview.Preview"
Description = "Two teams face off to send the other team's players to jail by fragging them. When all members of a team are in jail, the opposing team scores a point. Fight your way into the enemy base to release your teammates!"
LoadingScreens[ 0] = "JBTexLoading.Addien-Dwy"
LoadingScreens[ 1] = "JBTexLoading.Arlon"
LoadingScreens[ 2] = "JBTexLoading.Aswan"
LoadingScreens[ 3] = "JBTexLoading.BabylonTemple"
LoadingScreens[ 4] = "JBTexLoading.CastleBreak"
LoadingScreens[ 5] = "JBTexLoading.Cavern"
LoadingScreens[ 6] = "JBTexLoading.Conduit"
LoadingScreens[ 7] = "JBTexLoading.Cosmos"
LoadingScreens[ 8] = "JBTexLoading.Heights"
LoadingScreens[ 9] = "JBTexLoading.IndusRage2"
LoadingScreens[10] = "JBTexLoading.MoonCraters"
LoadingScreens[11] = "JBTexLoading.NoSense"
LoadingScreens[12] = "JBTexLoading.Oasis"
LoadingScreens[13] = "JBTexLoading.Poseidon"
LoadingScreens[14] = "JBTexLoading.SavoIsland"
LoadingScreens[15] = "JBTexLoading.Solamander"
LoadingScreens[16] = "JBTexLoading.SubZero"
TextHintJailbreak[ 0] = "Watch the compass dots: The faster they pulse, the more players can be released by the corresponding switch."
TextHintJailbreak[ 1] = "Use %PREVWEAPON% and %NEXTWEAPON% to switch view points when watching through a surveillance camera."
TextHintJailbreak[ 2] = "You can stand on teammates while they're crouching. Look out for jail escape routes requiring this cooperation!"
TextHintJailbreak[ 3] = "Some jails have hidden escape routes. You may have to stand on a crouching teammate to reach them."
TextHintJailbreak[ 4] = "There may be more than one release switch for your team. The faster a compass dot pulses, the more players can be released through the corresponding switch."
TextHintJailbreak[ 5] = "Sometimes it is better to hide away from the enemy team than to give them an easy capture."
TextHintJailbreak[ 6] = "If you killed the last free enemy, you can taunt the enemy team on the celebration screen during the execution sequence."
TextHintJailbreak[ 7] = "Bored in jail? You can fight your teammates for fun with the Shield Gun without any penalties."
TextHintJailbreak[ 8] = "Some jails contain monitors for surveillance cameras showing important spots in the map. Approach one of them to activate the camera."
TextHintJailbreak[ 9] = "When you're jailed, you may be chosen for an arena match with a jailed enemy. Win the match to gain your freedom!"
TextHintJailbreak[10] = "When an arena match is going on, press %ARENACAM% to watch a live feed!"
TextHintJailbreak[11] = "Use %TEAMTACTICS UP% to increase and %TEAMTACTICS DOWN% to decrease the overall aggressiveness of the bots on your team."
TextHintJailbreak[12] = "The Jailbreak scoreboard shows the whereabouts of you and your teammates on a panorama minimap."
TextHintJailbreak[13] = "You can see what your human teammates are up to on the Jailbreak scoreboard: It shows whether they are attacking, defending or roaming the map."
TextHintJailbreak[14] = "The red, yellow and green bars next to each player name in the Jailbreak scoreboard show that player's attack kills, defense kills and released teammates."
TextHintJailbreak[15] = "The markers on the clock in the upper right corner of the Jailbreak scoreboard indicate team captures."
TextHintJailbreak[16] = "Don't try to cheat by reconnecting to the server while you're in jail! The game will turn you into a llama (quite literally) and give other players bonus points for hunting you down."
TextHintJailbreak[17] = "Don't attack protected players who were just released from jail. You might get llamaized for it!"
TextDescriptionEnableJailFights = "Allows jail inmates to fight each other with their Shield Guns for fun."
TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena = "Always selects human players over bots for arena fights."
TextDescriptionJailNewcomers = "New players who join during the game will be jailed."
TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping = "Disallow players from leaving jail without being released or entering the arena."
TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes = "Fixes a couple of small bugs in a few maps. Also adds a new execution to some."
TextDescriptionNoJailKill = "Jailed players can no longer hurt enemies."
TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers = "Bots are added automatically to reach the minimum recommended player count."
TextWebAdminEnableJailFights = "Allow Jail Fights"
TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena = "Favor Humans For Arena"
TextWebAdminJailNewcomers = "Jail Newcomers"
TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping = "Disallow Escaping"
TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes = "Enable Map Fixes"
TextWebAdminNoJailKill = "No Jail Kills"
TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers = "Use Level Recommended Min. Players"
TextWebAdminPrefixAddon = "Jailbreak:"
GIPropsDisplayText(6) = "Capture Limit"
WebScoreboardClass = "Jailbreak.JBWebApplicationScoreboard"
WebScoreboardPath = "/scoreboard"
Addons = "JBAddonAvenger.JBAddonAvenger,JBAddonCelebration.JBAddonCelebration,JBAddonLlama.JBAddonLlama,JBAddonProtection.JBAddonProtection,JBAddonJailFightTally.JBAddonJailFightTally"
bEnableJailFights = True
bEnableScreens = True
bEnableSpectatorDeathCam = True
bFavorHumansForArena = False
bJailNewcomers = False
bDisallowEscaping = False
bEnableJBMapFixes = True
bNoJailKill = False
bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers = True
bEnableWebScoreboard = True
bEnableWebAdminExtension = True
GoalScore = 5
Acronym = "JB"
MapPrefix = "JB"
BeaconName = "JB"
GameName = "Jailbreak"
HUDType = "Jailbreak.JBInterfaceHud"
ScoreBoardType = "Jailbreak.JBInterfaceScores"
MapListType = "Jailbreak.JBMapList"
HUDSettingsMenu = "Jailbreak.JBGUICustomHUDMenu"
LoginMenuClass = "JBToolbox2.JBLoginMenu"
MessageClass = Class'JBLocalMessage'
GameReplicationInfoClass = Class'JBGameReplicationInfo'
TeamAIType[0] = Class'JBBotTeam'
TeamAIType[1] = Class'JBBotTeam'
PathWhisps[0] = "Jailbreak.JBRedWhisp"
PathWhisps[1] = "Jailbreak.JBBlueWhisp"
bSpawnInTeamArea = True
bScoreTeamKills = False
bAllowVehicles = True
MutatorClass = "Jailbreak.JBMutator"
Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:09.734 - Created with