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+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo
            +-- UnrealGame.DeathMatch
               +-- UnrealGame.TeamGame
                  +-- XGame.xTeamGame
                     +-- Jailbreak.Jailbreak

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UnrealGame.TeamGame

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UnrealGame.TeamGame
ADR_Control, ADR_Goal, ADR_Return, bAllowNonTeamChat, BareHanded, bBalanceTeams, BlueTeamName, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CaptureSoundName[2], EndGameCommented[10], EndGameComments[10], EndGameLossRemarks[10], EndGameRemark[10], EndGameResponses[10], EndGameTaunts[10], EndGameVictoryRemarks[10], FriendlyFireScale, IncreaseLeadName[2], LastEndGameComment, LastEndGameRemark, LastEndGameResponse, LastEndGameTauntTime, MaxTeamSize, NearString, PathWhisps[2], RedTeamName, TakeLeadName[2], TeamAIType[2], TeammateBoost, Teams[2], TempSymbols[2], TGHints, TGPropDescText[TGPROPNUM], TGPropsDisplayText[TGPROPNUM]

Functions Summary
eventbool AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string Property))
function AddGameSpecificInventory (Pawn PawnPlayer))
function AddMutator (string NameMutator, optional bool bUserAdded))
functionbool AllowBecomeActivePlayer (PlayerController PlayerController))
functionbool AllowTransloc ()))
functionbool BecomeSpectator (PlayerController PlayerController))
event BeginState ()))
event BeginState ()))
function BroadcastDeathMessage (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Class<DamageType> DamageType))
event BroadcastLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> MessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
functionbool CanFireEvent (name EventFire, optional bool bFire))
functionbool CanPlayReleaseMessage (int TeamIndex))
functionbool CanSpectate (PlayerController PlayerViewer, bool bOnlySpectator, Actor ViewTarget))
functionbool ChangeTeam (Controller Controller, int iTeam, bool bNewTeam))
functionbool CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfoWinner, string Reason))
functionbool ContainsActorArena (Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoArena Arena))
functionbool ContainsActorJail (Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoJail Jail))
functionint CountPlayersArena (TeamInfo Team))
functionint CountPlayersFree (TeamInfo Team))
functionint CountPlayersJailed (TeamInfo Team))
functionint CountPlayersTotal (TeamInfo Team))
function DriverEnteredVehicle (Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver))
function DriverLeftVehicle (Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver))
event EndState ()))
event EndState ()))
function ExecutionCommit (TeamInfo TeamExecuted))
function ExecutionEnd ()))
functionbool ExecutionInit ()))
function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo))
functionJBInfoJail FindJailExecution (TeamInfo TeamExecuted))
functionNavigationPoint FindPlayerStart (Controller Controller, optional byte iTeam, optional string Teleporter))
functionarray<string> GetAllLoadHints (optional bool bThisClassOnly))
functionClass<PawnGetDefaultPlayerClass (Controller Controller))
functionint GetDefenderNum ()))
eventstring GetDescriptionText (string Property))
functionJBGameRules GetFirstJBGameRules ()))
functionstring GetLoadingHint (PlayerController PlayerController, string MapName, Color ColorHint))
function GetServerDetails (out ServerResponseLine ServerState))
event InitGame (string Options, out string Error))
function InitPlacedBot (Controller Controller, RosterEntry RosterEntry))
functionfloat InternalRatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player))
functionbool IsCaptured (TeamInfo Team))
functionbool IsReleaseActive (TeamInfo Team))
function Killed (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
function KilledInJail (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
function Logout (Controller ControllerExiting))
functionbool NeedPlayers ()))
function ParseVoiceCommand (PlayerController PlayerControllerSender, string Command))
functionbool PickupQuery (Pawn PawnPlayer, Pickup Pickup))
function PlayEndOfMatchMessage ()))
function PlayingReleaseMessage (int TeamIndex))
function PlayStartupMessage ()))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
event PostLogin (PlayerController PlayerControllerLogin))
function PrecacheGameTextures (LevelInfo myLevel))
functionbool PreventDeath (Pawn PawnVictim, Controller ControllerKiller, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType, vector LocationHit))
functionfloat RatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint NavigationPoint, byte iTeam, Controller Controller))
function ReadAddonsForWebAdmin ()))
function ReAssessTeam (TeamInfo Team))
functionint ReduceDamage (int Damage, Pawn PawnVictim, Pawn PawnInstigator, vector LocationHit, out vector MomentumHit, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType))
function RegisterPlayer (Controller Controller))
function ResetViewTarget (PlayerController PlayerController))
function RespawnPickups ()))
function RestartAll ()))
function RestartPlayer (Controller Controller))
function RestartPlayer (Controller Controller))
function RestartPlayers (bool bFree))
function RestartTeam (TeamInfo Team))
function ScoreKill (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
function ScoreKillAdjust (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
function ScoreKillTaunt (Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim))
function ScorePlayer (Controller Controller, name Event))
event SetGrammar ()))
function SetPlayerDefaults (Pawn PawnPlayer))
function SetupWebScoreboard ()))
functionBot SpawnBot (optional string NameBot))
functionfloat SpawnWait (AIController B))
event Timer ()))
event Timer ()))
event Timer ()))
functionbool TooManyBots (Controller BotToRemove))
function UnregisterPlayer (Controller Controller))
functionbool WantsPickups (Bot Bot))
Inherited Functions from XGame.xTeamGame
PrecacheGameStaticMeshes, PrecacheGameTextures
Inherited Functions from UnrealGame.TeamGame
AcceptPlayInfoProperty, AnnounceScore, ApplyOrder, BallCarrierMessage, CanShowPathTo, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CriticalPlayer, EndGameCommentFor, EndGameTauntFor, FillPlayInfo, FindNewObjectives, FindTeamDesignation, FindTeamFor, FindVictimsTarget, GetAllLoadHints, GetBlueTeam, GetBotTeam, GetDescriptionText, GetMinPlayers, GetRedTeam, GetServerDetails, GetStatus, IncrementGoalsScored, InitGame, InitTeamSymbols, InitVoiceReplicationInfo, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OtherTeam, OverrideInitialBots, ParseChatPercVar, ParseMessageString, ParseOrder, ParseRecipient, ParseRecipients, ParseVoiceCommand, PickEndGameTauntFor, PickTeam, PlayEndOfMatchMessage, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PrecacheGameAnnouncements, PreLoadBot, PreLoadNamedBot, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartPlayer, SameTeam, ScoreKill, SetEndGameFocus, SetGrammar, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, UpdateAnnouncements, WeakObjectives

States Summary
Executing Source code
state Executing
BeginState, EndState, RestartPlayer, Timer
MatchInProgress Source code
state MatchInProgress
BeginState, EndState, RespawnPickups, RestartPlayer, Timer
MatchOver Source code
state MatchOver

Variables Detail

Addons Source code

var config string Addons;

bArenaMutatorActive Source code

var bool bArenaMutatorActive;

bDisallowEscaping Source code

var config bool bDisallowEscaping;

bEnableJailFights Source code

var config bool bEnableJailFights;

bEnableJBMapFixes Source code

var config bool bEnableJBMapFixes;

bEnableScreens Source code

var config bool bEnableScreens;

bEnableSpectatorDeathCam Source code

var config bool bEnableSpectatorDeathCam;

bEnableWebAdminExtension Source code

var config bool bEnableWebAdminExtension;

bEnableWebScoreboard Source code

var config bool bEnableWebScoreboard;

bFavorHumansForArena Source code

var config bool bFavorHumansForArena;

bGiveTrans Source code

var private bool bGiveTrans;

bJailNewcomers Source code

var config bool bJailNewcomers;

bNoJailKill Source code

var config bool bNoJailKill;

bReverseSwitchColors Source code

var config bool bReverseSwitchColors;

bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code

var config bool bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;

DilationTimePrev Source code

var private float DilationTimePrev;

firstTagPlayerInactive Source code

var private JBTagPlayer firstTagPlayerInactive;

JailExecution Source code

var private JBInfoJail JailExecution;

ListEventFired Source code

var private array<name> ListEventFired;

MutatorRecord Source code

var transient CacheManager.MutatorRecord MutatorRecord;

TagPlayerRestart Source code

var private transient JBTagPlayer TagPlayerRestart;

TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping;

TextDescriptionEnableJailFights Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionEnableJailFights;

TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes;

TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena;

TextDescriptionJailNewcomers Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionJailNewcomers;

TextDescriptionNoJailKill Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionNoJailKill;

TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code

var localized string TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;

TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping;

TextWebAdminEnableJailFights Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminEnableJailFights;

TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes;

TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena;

TextWebAdminJailNewcomers Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminJailNewcomers;

TextWebAdminNoJailKill Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminNoJailKill;

TextWebAdminPrefixAddon Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminPrefixAddon;

TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers Source code

var localized string TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers;

TimeEventFired Source code

var private float TimeEventFired;

TimeExecution Source code

var private float TimeExecution;

TimeReleaseMessagePlayed[2] Source code

var private float TimeReleaseMessagePlayed[2];

TimeRestart Source code

var private float TimeRestart;

WebScoreboardClass Source code

var config string WebScoreboardClass;

WebScoreboardPath Source code

var config string WebScoreboardPath;


Build Source code

var(Jailbreak) const editconst string Build;


TextHintJailbreak Source code

var(LoadingHints) localized array<string> TextHintJailbreak;


LoadingScreens Source code

var(LoadingScreens) array<string> LoadingScreens;

Functions Detail

AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code

static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string Property) )

AddGameSpecificInventory Source code

function AddGameSpecificInventory ( Pawn PawnPlayer) )

AddMutator Source code

function AddMutator ( string NameMutator, optional bool bUserAdded) )

AllowBecomeActivePlayer Source code

function bool AllowBecomeActivePlayer ( PlayerController PlayerController) )

AllowTransloc Source code

function bool AllowTransloc ( ) )

BecomeSpectator Source code

function bool BecomeSpectator ( PlayerController PlayerController) )

BeginState Executing Source code

event BeginState ( ) )

BeginState MatchInProgress Source code

event BeginState ( ) )

BroadcastDeathMessage Source code

function BroadcastDeathMessage ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Class<DamageType> DamageType) )

BroadcastLocalizedMessage Source code

event BroadcastLocalizedMessage ( class<LocalMessage> MessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) )

CanFireEvent Source code

function bool CanFireEvent ( name EventFire, optional bool bFire) )

CanPlayReleaseMessage Source code

function bool CanPlayReleaseMessage ( int TeamIndex) )

CanSpectate Source code

function bool CanSpectate ( PlayerController PlayerViewer, bool bOnlySpectator, Actor ViewTarget) )

ChangeTeam Source code

function bool ChangeTeam ( Controller Controller, int iTeam, bool bNewTeam) )

CheckEndGame Source code

function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfoWinner, string Reason) )

ContainsActorArena Source code

function bool ContainsActorArena ( Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoArena Arena) )

ContainsActorJail Source code

function bool ContainsActorJail ( Actor Actor, optional out JBInfoJail Jail) )

CountPlayersArena Source code

function int CountPlayersArena ( TeamInfo Team) )

CountPlayersFree Source code

function int CountPlayersFree ( TeamInfo Team) )

CountPlayersJailed Source code

function int CountPlayersJailed ( TeamInfo Team) )

CountPlayersTotal Source code

function int CountPlayersTotal ( TeamInfo Team) )

DriverEnteredVehicle Source code

function DriverEnteredVehicle ( Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver) )

DriverLeftVehicle Source code

function DriverLeftVehicle ( Vehicle Vehicle, Pawn PawnDriver) )

EndState Executing Source code

event EndState ( ) )

EndState MatchInProgress Source code

event EndState ( ) )

ExecutionCommit Source code

function ExecutionCommit ( TeamInfo TeamExecuted) )

ExecutionEnd Source code

function ExecutionEnd ( ) )

ExecutionInit Source code

function bool ExecutionInit ( ) )

FillPlayInfo Source code

static function FillPlayInfo ( PlayInfo PlayInfo) )

FindJailExecution Source code

function JBInfoJail FindJailExecution ( TeamInfo TeamExecuted) )

FindPlayerStart Source code

function NavigationPoint FindPlayerStart ( Controller Controller, optional byte iTeam, optional string Teleporter) )

GetAllLoadHints Source code

static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly) )

GetDefaultPlayerClass Source code

function Class<Pawn> GetDefaultPlayerClass ( Controller Controller) )

GetDefenderNum Source code

function int GetDefenderNum ( ) )

GetDescriptionText Source code

static event string GetDescriptionText ( string Property) )

GetFirstJBGameRules Source code

function JBGameRules GetFirstJBGameRules ( ) )

GetLoadingHint Source code

static function string GetLoadingHint ( PlayerController PlayerController, string MapName, Color ColorHint) )

GetServerDetails Source code

function GetServerDetails ( out ServerResponseLine ServerState) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error) )

InitPlacedBot Source code

function InitPlacedBot ( Controller Controller, RosterEntry RosterEntry) )

InternalRatePlayerStart Source code

function float InternalRatePlayerStart ( NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player) )

IsCaptured Source code

function bool IsCaptured ( TeamInfo Team) )

IsReleaseActive Source code

function bool IsReleaseActive ( TeamInfo Team) )

Killed Source code

function Killed ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType) )

KilledInJail Source code

function KilledInJail ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim, Pawn PawnVictim, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType) )

Logout Source code

function Logout ( Controller ControllerExiting) )

NeedPlayers Source code

function bool NeedPlayers ( ) )

ParseVoiceCommand Source code

function ParseVoiceCommand ( PlayerController PlayerControllerSender, string Command) )

PickupQuery Source code

function bool PickupQuery ( Pawn PawnPlayer, Pickup Pickup) )

PlayEndOfMatchMessage Source code

function PlayEndOfMatchMessage ( ) )

PlayingReleaseMessage Source code

function PlayingReleaseMessage ( int TeamIndex) )

PlayStartupMessage Source code

function PlayStartupMessage ( ) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( PlayerController PlayerControllerLogin) )

PrecacheGameTextures Source code

static function PrecacheGameTextures ( LevelInfo myLevel) )

PreventDeath Source code

function bool PreventDeath ( Pawn PawnVictim, Controller ControllerKiller, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType, vector LocationHit) )

RatePlayerStart Source code

function float RatePlayerStart ( NavigationPoint NavigationPoint, byte iTeam, Controller Controller) )

ReadAddonsForWebAdmin Source code

function ReadAddonsForWebAdmin ( ) )

ReAssessTeam Source code

function ReAssessTeam ( TeamInfo Team) )

ReduceDamage Source code

function int ReduceDamage ( int Damage, Pawn PawnVictim, Pawn PawnInstigator, vector LocationHit, out vector MomentumHit, Class<DamageType> ClassDamageType) )

RegisterPlayer Source code

function RegisterPlayer ( Controller Controller) )

ResetViewTarget Source code

static function ResetViewTarget ( PlayerController PlayerController) )

RespawnPickups MatchInProgress Source code

function RespawnPickups ( ) )

RestartAll Source code

function RestartAll ( ) )

RestartPlayer Executing Source code

function RestartPlayer ( Controller Controller) )

RestartPlayer MatchInProgress Source code

function RestartPlayer ( Controller Controller) )

RestartPlayers Source code

function RestartPlayers ( bool bFree) )

RestartTeam Source code

function RestartTeam ( TeamInfo Team) )

ScoreKill Source code

function ScoreKill ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim) )

ScoreKillAdjust Source code

function ScoreKillAdjust ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim) )

ScoreKillTaunt Source code

function ScoreKillTaunt ( Controller ControllerKiller, Controller ControllerVictim) )

ScorePlayer Source code

function ScorePlayer ( Controller Controller, name Event) )

SetGrammar Source code

event SetGrammar ( ) )

SetPlayerDefaults Source code

function SetPlayerDefaults ( Pawn PawnPlayer) )

SetupWebScoreboard Source code

function SetupWebScoreboard ( ) )

SpawnBot Source code

function Bot SpawnBot ( optional string NameBot) )

SpawnWait Source code

function float SpawnWait ( AIController B) )

Timer Executing Source code

event Timer ( ) )

Timer MatchInProgress Source code

event Timer ( ) )

Timer MatchOver Source code

event Timer ( ) )

TooManyBots Source code

function bool TooManyBots ( Controller BotToRemove) )

UnregisterPlayer Source code

function UnregisterPlayer ( Controller Controller) )

WantsPickups Source code

function bool WantsPickups ( Bot Bot) )


  Build = "%%%%-%%-%% %%:%%"

  ScreenShotName = "JBTexPreview.Preview"
  Description = "Two teams face off to send the other team's players to jail by fragging them. When all members of a team are in jail, the opposing team scores a point. Fight your way into the enemy base to release your teammates!"

  LoadingScreens[ 0] = "JBTexLoading.Addien-Dwy"
  LoadingScreens[ 1] = "JBTexLoading.Arlon"
  LoadingScreens[ 2] = "JBTexLoading.Aswan"
  LoadingScreens[ 3] = "JBTexLoading.BabylonTemple"
  LoadingScreens[ 4] = "JBTexLoading.CastleBreak"
  LoadingScreens[ 5] = "JBTexLoading.Cavern"
  LoadingScreens[ 6] = "JBTexLoading.Conduit"
  LoadingScreens[ 7] = "JBTexLoading.Cosmos"
  LoadingScreens[ 8] = "JBTexLoading.Heights"
  LoadingScreens[ 9] = "JBTexLoading.IndusRage2"
  LoadingScreens[10] = "JBTexLoading.MoonCraters"
  LoadingScreens[11] = "JBTexLoading.NoSense"
  LoadingScreens[12] = "JBTexLoading.Oasis"
  LoadingScreens[13] = "JBTexLoading.Poseidon"
  LoadingScreens[14] = "JBTexLoading.SavoIsland"
  LoadingScreens[15] = "JBTexLoading.Solamander"
  LoadingScreens[16] = "JBTexLoading.SubZero"

  TextHintJailbreak[ 0] = "Watch the compass dots: The faster they pulse, the more players can be released by the corresponding switch."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 1] = "Use %PREVWEAPON% and %NEXTWEAPON% to switch view points when watching through a surveillance camera."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 2] = "You can stand on teammates while they're crouching. Look out for jail escape routes requiring this cooperation!"
  TextHintJailbreak[ 3] = "Some jails have hidden escape routes. You may have to stand on a crouching teammate to reach them."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 4] = "There may be more than one release switch for your team. The faster a compass dot pulses, the more players can be released through the corresponding switch."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 5] = "Sometimes it is better to hide away from the enemy team than to give them an easy capture."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 6] = "If you killed the last free enemy, you can taunt the enemy team on the celebration screen during the execution sequence."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 7] = "Bored in jail? You can fight your teammates for fun with the Shield Gun without any penalties."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 8] = "Some jails contain monitors for surveillance cameras showing important spots in the map. Approach one of them to activate the camera."
  TextHintJailbreak[ 9] = "When you're jailed, you may be chosen for an arena match with a jailed enemy. Win the match to gain your freedom!"
  TextHintJailbreak[10] = "When an arena match is going on, press %ARENACAM% to watch a live feed!"
  TextHintJailbreak[11] = "Use %TEAMTACTICS UP% to increase and %TEAMTACTICS DOWN% to decrease the overall aggressiveness of the bots on your team."
  TextHintJailbreak[12] = "The Jailbreak scoreboard shows the whereabouts of you and your teammates on a panorama minimap."
  TextHintJailbreak[13] = "You can see what your human teammates are up to on the Jailbreak scoreboard: It shows whether they are attacking, defending or roaming the map."
  TextHintJailbreak[14] = "The red, yellow and green bars next to each player name in the Jailbreak scoreboard show that player's attack kills, defense kills and released teammates."
  TextHintJailbreak[15] = "The markers on the clock in the upper right corner of the Jailbreak scoreboard indicate team captures."
  TextHintJailbreak[16] = "Don't try to cheat by reconnecting to the server while you're in jail! The game will turn you into a llama (quite literally) and give other players bonus points for hunting you down."
  TextHintJailbreak[17] = "Don't attack protected players who were just released from jail. You might get llamaized for it!"

  TextDescriptionEnableJailFights    = "Allows jail inmates to fight each other with their Shield Guns for fun."
  TextDescriptionFavorHumansForArena = "Always selects human players over bots for arena fights."
  TextDescriptionJailNewcomers       = "New players who join during the game will be jailed."
  TextDescriptionDisallowEscaping    = "Disallow players from leaving jail without being released or entering the arena."
  TextDescriptionEnableJBMapFixes    = "Fixes a couple of small bugs in a few maps. Also adds a new execution to some."
  TextDescriptionNoJailKill          = "Jailed players can no longer hurt enemies."
  TextDescriptionUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers = "Bots are added automatically to reach the minimum recommended player count."
  TextWebAdminEnableJailFights       = "Allow Jail Fights"
  TextWebAdminFavorHumansForArena    = "Favor Humans For Arena"
  TextWebAdminJailNewcomers          = "Jail Newcomers"
  TextWebAdminDisallowEscaping       = "Disallow Escaping"
  TextWebAdminEnableJBMapFixes       = "Enable Map Fixes"
  TextWebAdminNoJailKill             = "No Jail Kills"
  TextWebAdminUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers = "Use Level Recommended Min. Players"

  TextWebAdminPrefixAddon            = "Jailbreak:"

  GIPropsDisplayText(6)              = "Capture Limit"

  WebScoreboardClass = "Jailbreak.JBWebApplicationScoreboard"
  WebScoreboardPath  = "/scoreboard"

  Addons = "JBAddonAvenger.JBAddonAvenger,JBAddonCelebration.JBAddonCelebration,JBAddonLlama.JBAddonLlama,JBAddonProtection.JBAddonProtection,JBAddonJailFightTally.JBAddonJailFightTally"

  bEnableJailFights        = True
  bEnableScreens           = True
  bEnableSpectatorDeathCam = True
  bFavorHumansForArena     = False
  bJailNewcomers           = False
  bDisallowEscaping        = False
  bEnableJBMapFixes        = True
  bNoJailKill              = False
  bUseLevelRecommendedMinPlayers     = True

  bEnableWebScoreboard     = True
  bEnableWebAdminExtension = True

  GoalScore                = 5

  Acronym                  = "JB"
  MapPrefix                = "JB"
  BeaconName               = "JB"

  GameName                 = "Jailbreak"
  HUDType                  = "Jailbreak.JBInterfaceHud"
  ScoreBoardType           = "Jailbreak.JBInterfaceScores"
  MapListType              = "Jailbreak.JBMapList"
  HUDSettingsMenu          = "Jailbreak.JBGUICustomHUDMenu"

  LoginMenuClass           = "JBToolbox2.JBLoginMenu"

  MessageClass             = Class'JBLocalMessage'
  GameReplicationInfoClass = Class'JBGameReplicationInfo'
  TeamAIType[0]            = Class'JBBotTeam'
  TeamAIType[1]            = Class'JBBotTeam'

  PathWhisps[0] = "Jailbreak.JBRedWhisp"
  PathWhisps[1] = "Jailbreak.JBBlueWhisp"

  bSpawnInTeamArea = True
  bScoreTeamKills  = False
  bAllowVehicles   = True

  MutatorClass = "Jailbreak.JBMutator"

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Creation time: Do 14.8.2014 09:58:09.734 - Created with UnCodeX